thanks, Ive had a quick look on google for them as i had never heard of them.
It seems they are German, have I got the right company?
It says on the website that they do not support a international home addresses and you have to phone them in Germany to take out cover if you are outside Germany.
Has anyone any experience of them and how to join?
We're making lists too! Chunnel is booked for 31st may, but sadly no Tesco vouchers. We have a vague plan of making our way down towards La Rochelle but if the weather is good, we may hang around the Loire for a while. We will be packing the hymer well in advance as we're moving house and the moving date could well be just before the holiday, and on top of that we've got a Barleydog recovering from a TPLO op on her leg. I'm sure everything will work out fine in the end though - gulp!:lol-061:
well, I've made a start today on my "Things to get for our France trip" list today.
Ordered my Aires book from vicarious books
got my high viz vests
got my warning triangle
got my beam deflectors
got my road atlas
bought a cheap little phrase book, (i'll give it a go as long as noone laughs at me, lol)
had a little look around at breakdown cover but didn't realise how expensive it was! My insurance is due in May so I thnk i'll see if I can get a deal with that on my renewal?
Still plenty to organsie but It's a start, makes it feel a little more real :scared:
I used to drive the truck through there on the way to St Gingoff (spelling) Swiss border!
Always looked nice!
Dont know how far you are going to travel , but if you want to visit the French Alps there is a fantastic spot I use regular.
Its a huge carpark in Thollon , near Evian (the water place) .
Many people use it for free , if you want a hook up you can if you wish connect to the shop "sherpa" for a small fee.
The views are spectacular , one way looks to the mountains , the other overlooks Lake Geneva .
Many places to visit all within 30 mins , inc Montreaux, Evian, Yvoire, Chateau Chillion.
Locals in Thollon are very friendly and there are some lovely bars and resturants .
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Well it's nearly time for the off! Can't believe I'm doing it, I'm so scared its untrue but also looking forward to it.
One little list to do for food and clothes to pack and that should be it??
Wish me luck, this time next week I'll be in France!
well, I've made a start today on my "Things to get for our France trip" list today.
Ordered my Aires book from vicarious books
got my high viz vests
got my warning triangle
got my beam deflectors
got my road atlas
bought a cheap little phrase book, (i'll give it a go as long as noone laughs at me, lol)
had a little look around at breakdown cover but didn't realise how expensive it was! My insurance is due in May so I thnk i'll see if I can get a deal with that on my renewal?
Still plenty to organsie but It's a start, makes it feel a little more real :scared: