The other day I stopped some youth breaking bottles on the footpath (they were under age drinkers) I was told to show them some respect, sadly, they didn't understand my concept that respect has to be earned and is not a given right. The police, by the way, weren't interested about the under age drinking in a public place with a No Drinking Placard or the fact that they were smashing the bottles.
And yes, I am getting more grumpy every day, It's my right!!
We have a problem round where I live with youths breaking bottles on the footpaths, particularly the cycle paths. I approached a local councillor and the appropriate council department about it and was told that they had no-one available to clear up the broken glass and it would be far too expensive to provide recycling bins for beer bottles and cans, which I had suggested. Basically, there was no interest in the problem at all. I then caught some youngsters throwing empty cans about and spoke to them about making a mess of the neighbourhood and about recycling. Don't know if it did any good but at least they were polite to me and seemed to have some interest in what I had to say about recycling. However, it's difficult to see how to instil pride in the area into young people when those employed to maintain our environment have no interest in doing so.
I'll beat you hands down on the grumpy front!