makeral season is coming for thoes that dont know this brings out the worst anglers in the uk,
they will fish for them kill them and leave all manner of rubbish behind them, from bottles/cans to tents,
burnt out or left strewn in a mess.
these people are not wild campers there the low life that we see on daytime tv.
if you come across a site that looks like a tipper truck has been dumped on it move way.
maccy bashers dont care who they annoy or offend.
true anglers will clean an area,remove and burn the crap left by others.
and respect the area,
i do this alot at etive and loch sunart,clean it and hope the locals notice.
they will fish for them kill them and leave all manner of rubbish behind them, from bottles/cans to tents,
burnt out or left strewn in a mess.
these people are not wild campers there the low life that we see on daytime tv.
if you come across a site that looks like a tipper truck has been dumped on it move way.
maccy bashers dont care who they annoy or offend.
true anglers will clean an area,remove and burn the crap left by others.
and respect the area,
i do this alot at etive and loch sunart,clean it and hope the locals notice.