mackeral season

  • Thread starter scenictraveller
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makeral season is coming for thoes that dont know this brings out the worst anglers in the uk,
they will fish for them kill them and leave all manner of rubbish behind them, from bottles/cans to tents,
burnt out or left strewn in a mess.

these people are not wild campers there the low life that we see on daytime tv.

if you come across a site that looks like a tipper truck has been dumped on it move way.

maccy bashers dont care who they annoy or offend.

true anglers will clean an area,remove and burn the crap left by others.

and respect the area,

i do this alot at etive and loch sunart,clean it and hope the locals notice.
Couldn't agree more.

It seems that part of the kit required to fish for mackerel is at least a six pack of beer, the empties to be disposed of in the sea.

They come with their families and take over the prom & cycle path and give you the evils if you dare want to walk the dog or cycle through "their" little bit.

Sadly, many juvenile fish are killed.

Recently there seems to be an increase of disposable BBQ's as well with these tribes. Allegedly to cook the fish but most times it's burgers. Then the hot foil is dumped in the sea or left.

Several of the regular fishermen who stay over in MH's or caravans clean up the area and leave binbags of rubbish by the bin. The council refuse guys know what's happening and appreciate the effort, but some local busybodies are claiming that the MHers are dumping their rubbish!!!!

Seems you can't win

PS. I don't know if there is a reason to kill dogfish, but many are caught, killed then thrown back into the sea to rot on the beach ready for dogs to roll in, the smell is disgusting, but they've gone home. I've even seen the dogfish thrown into bushes and left to decay.

The amount of snagged tackle left on the beach is amazing, ready for dogs and kids to get hooked on the brightly coloured hooks that are barbed. Again, there is a small group of dedicated fishermen who will search out their lost tackle, but the mackerel fishermen are long gone.
We witnessed this at a few places in Scotland, one loch, cant remeber its name, just outside calender, they had cut down branches on trees to make fires, no camping is allowed now, and is watched regularly, we were asked to move on by a ranger, he was totally sympathetic to us as we had visited previously and loved the place, but he said, and i had to agree, if he let us stay it would encourage the low lifes, its a real shame that people have to behave in this way in such beautiful surroundings.
Couldn't agree more.

It seems that part of the kit required to fish for mackerel is at least a six pack of beer, the empties to be disposed of in the sea.

They come with their families and take over the prom & cycle path and give you the evils if you dare want to walk the dog or cycle through "their" little bit.

Sadly, many juvenile fish are killed.

Recently there seems to be an increase of disposable BBQ's as well with these tribes. Allegedly to cook the fish but most times it's burgers. Then the hot foil is dumped in the sea or left.

Several of the regular fishermen who stay over in MH's or caravans clean up the area and leave binbags of rubbish by the bin. The council refuse guys know what's happening and appreciate the effort, but some local busybodies are claiming that the MHers are dumping their rubbish!!!!

Seems you can't win

PS. I don't know if there is a reason to kill dogfish, but many are caught, killed then thrown back into the sea to rot on the beach ready for dogs to roll in, the smell is disgusting, but they've gone home. I've even seen the dogfish thrown into bushes and left to decay.

The amount of snagged tackle left on the beach is amazing, ready for dogs and kids to get hooked on the brightly coloured hooks that are barbed. Again, there is a small group of dedicated fishermen who will search out their lost tackle, but the mackerel fishermen are long gone.

The river cottage program on the TV have helped to promote this barby on the beach culture. Hugh did a program on catching mackerel and cooking them on the beach.
And yes you are right these people do not care a damn for others and build big fires on the beach.
We all have these type of people in our areas.
The country is full of brain dead morons. I stopped a lorry driver the other day after following a stream of litter coming from his cab. Having told him that idiots like him were ruining the countryside, his reaction was "so what, sue me".
It used to be called "Civic Pride" where you are proud of your locality and respected others.

It's a sad reflection of our British culture.

NB. before all the knockers and screamers start, I'm talking in general terms of someone who has had the benefit of travel and work around the world looking with an overall perspective of the issue.

We do appear to be polarised, those that care and those that don't. While in many other parts of the world, people care about their locality, neighbours and dare I say it relations, there are a growing number of people in this country who really couldn't care less about anyone else but themselves.

This is not just limited to those on low income or the unemployed, but throughout the whole socio economic spectrum.

Your rubbish throwing trucker is no different to the Merc driver chucking out cigarette ends and sweet wrappers.

The other day I stopped some youth breaking bottles on the footpath (they were under age drinkers) I was told to show them some respect, sadly, they didn't understand my concept that respect has to be earned and is not a given right. The police, by the way, weren't interested about the under age drinking in a public place with a No Drinking Placard or the fact that they were smashing the bottles.

I'm not in any way saying that other countries have got it perfect, far from it, but they don't seem to have the disrespect of others to the same level that we have. Anyone on holiday in the popular med areas can spot the Brits a mile away.

And yes, I am getting more grumpy every day, It's my right!!
It used to be called "Civic Pride" where you are proud of your locality and respected others.

It's a sad reflection of our British culture.

NB. before all the knockers and screamers start, I'm talking in general terms of someone who has had the benefit of travel and work around the world looking with an overall perspective of the issue.

We do appear to be polarised, those that care and those that don't. While in many other parts of the world, people care about their locality, neighbours and dare I say it relations, there are a growing number of people in this country who really couldn't care less about anyone else but themselves.

This is not just limited to those on low income or the unemployed, but throughout the whole socio economic spectrum.

Your rubbish throwing trucker is no different to the Merc driver chucking out cigarette ends and sweet wrappers.

The other day I stopped some youth breaking bottles on the footpath (they were under age drinkers) I was told to show them some respect, sadly, they didn't understand my concept that respect has to be earned and is not a given right. The police, by the way, weren't interested about the under age drinking in a public place with a No Drinking Placard or the fact that they were smashing the bottles.

I'm not in any way saying that other countries have got it perfect, far from it, but they don't seem to have the disrespect of others to the same level that we have. Anyone on holiday in the popular med areas can spot the Brits a mile away.

And yes, I am getting more grumpy every day, It's my right!![/

Sorry Pete, but there's a law against that..............sub section...blah blah blah:lol-053:
My husband and I are sea fisherman. We fish on the Dorset coastline, which is famous for fisherman, and yes, in the summer it becomes full of holiday makers with their fishing rods, and beer cans fishing for mackerel. My husband will actually approach people in a very friendly manner and explain that if they are not going to eat their catch, then you can flick a mackerel off your hook, without touching the skin, straight back into the sea, they will swim off quite happy.

We also always collect old fishing line/tackle that has been left behind by others, I actually enjoy looking for tackle, if you pick up a few rigs or weights, they cana go back into your bag!

We also take a bbq onto the beach, there is nothing better (my personal opinion, I know other's wouldn't agree) than catching your fish and putting them straight onto the hot coals and eating them with your fingers. Again, we always take our litter home with us.

Let's hope there are more responsible fisherman than not, then we can all enjoy our beautiful coastline, whether you fish or not.

Finally, let's hope we actually get a summer this year so we can all enjoy it!!!
Have to agree with much of the views already expressed. Usually it's a minority, but I can understand it when places like the east side of Loch Lomond ban all camping on the shore and surrounding areas, and police it properly too. Too many neds who turn up leaving their rubbish. I really don't understand the mentality: I walk in the mountains, it's a beautiful place, helps me chill and keeps me out of doctor's surgeries and probably hospital. However I find myself getting wound up by people leaving silly things like tissues in the countryside. Having blown their nose they just drop it. It doesn't rot quickly, it sits there for weeks or months before the bugs can break it down sufficiently for it to disappear. Stuff like orange peel can take years. One of these days I'll catch one of the b*ggers and I hope I'll really have a go at them without getting violent!
Oh yeah, discarded fishing tackle in the local park here also winds me up! One of our previous dogs and hubby have both had hooks embedded in their feet from people who can't be arsed, or responsible enough to pick up or find their broken tackle and make it safe. A curse/pox on their lives!

Enough rant!

Catching and eating your fishy on the bbq right by the shore I can appreciate. Probably like me and mountains, sitting on a rock up high somewhere with a view. Nowt better for ones sanity.
I agree, fresh caught fish on a BBQ or in a fry pan is totally out of this world.

The true fisherman/outdoor enthusiast enjoy their activity and on the whole want everyone to enjoy it, it is just a minority, same in our world of MH, there's always a bad apple.

I just get frustrated that the minority is getting bigger, or so it seems.

Maybe I'm looking at things through a foggy haze of older age, but I see little respect my many people for property, people or anything for that matter.

Partly I feel that items are so cheap now and are treated as disposable, fishing, cycling in fact most gear is so cheap now when compared to the 60/70's that it'd just disposable.

Not good for our environment or overall economy.

I've brought tackle, weights back from the beach and offered it to fishermen for them to recycle, some of the older ones say thanks, but younger ones look at you as if to say, "it only cost a couple of quid, it's not worth it"

I sometimes feel like wrapping them up in the line and tackle and chucking them in!! Grrrr
I kind of get the family thing as I know that when my old mum dies I will no longer keep in touch with any of the other members !
Everyone is too busy these days and while all pretend to care in reality it only happens when it suits them ?
I think many european families have stayed much closer but that is now changing too so time will tell !!!!!

I totally agree Basildog.
My parents died 5 years ago and I hardly ever see my brothers and sisters since then. my mums house was the meeting place now we talk on bloody facebook to keep in touch. We are all equally to blame as values and a way of life is changing fast.

I see French and Spanish families sitting down for hours having their evening meal and I envy them.
Motorhomers, fisherman, motorcy lists ....rogue element in all of them ....always has been always will be..
It doesn't make it right but the way it is sadly

Mackerell already showing on the Yorkshire coast..I. thought it was a bit earlly for them but there you go.
And I do wish the idiots that buy bait wouldn't litter the beaches.....hopefully. they catch nowt but a cold
Mackerell already showing on the Yorkshire coast..

Is that from the shore or just the boats? With the seas and unsettled weather we've been having over the last few weeks I be very surprised to see shore caught Mackerel.

As for the litter problems sadly it can't all be blamed on the Tinsel tossers, some good Anglers who should know better are the worst offenders for leaving unused bait and discarded tackle.
Gosh I love fresh mackerel just cooked simply in a pan with a little oil. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Is that from the shore or just the boats? With the seas and unsettled weather we've been having over the last few weeks I be very surprised to see shore caught Mackerel.

As for the litter problems sadly it can't all be blamed on the Tinsel tossers, some good Anglers who should know better are the worst offenders for leaving unused bait and discarded tackle.

At mappleton one of the locals lays a net between the tides on the beach...and there were mackerel in there codliing whiting and dab....that was about a fortnight since.

Where the net is staked is deffo within casting distance...

What did disappoint me though was the number of undersized fish caught and quite frankly wasted
We're off this weekend to Dumfries and Galloway to a CL on a beach. Hope to be able to get the 3.3m inflateable out as we have just invested in a new 6hp outboard. We like to fish and I love that sudden excitement when you hit a shoal of mackerel.When we catch too many mackerel, we smoke them on a portable smoker we carry in the van or offer them to other campers.

I, too, enjoy searching for tackle on the beaches.
We're off this weekend to Dumfries and Galloway to a CL on a beach. Hope to be able to get the 3.3m inflateable out as we have just invested in a new 6hp outboard. We like to fish and I love that sudden excitement when you hit a shoal of mackerel.When we catch too many mackerel, we smoke them on a portable smoker we carry in the van or offer them to other campers.

I, too, enjoy searching for tackle on the beaches.

I'm jealous.
Which CL, I wanna be one of those other campers. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
a nice little camping spot nearly destroyed by litter louts,but anglers put up signs and cleared all the rubbish away.
flat rock loch etive

unfortunatly now out of bounds due to someone not heeding the speed restrictions at the quarry,
and nearly causing an accident.
We're off this weekend to Dumfries and Galloway to a CL on a beach. Hope to be able to get the 3.3m inflateable out as we have just invested in a new 6hp outboard. We like to fish and I love that sudden excitement when you hit a shoal of mackerel.When we catch too many mackerel, we smoke them on a portable smoker we carry in the van or offer them to other campers.

I, too, enjoy searching for tackle on the beaches.

you may wish to watch the sides of the inflateable when your reeling in the mackies.
i believe theres mackies around luce bay in large numbers.

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