Lunatic smashes my motorhome.


Ive not had a good day today.
It was 12.45am Monday when i heard a bit of a banging noise, i assumed it was someones wheelie bin going out for collection in the morning. A minute later i heard a terrible banging and thudding, then my motorhome alarm going off. I shot to my feet, opened the front door to see the headlights of a vehicle reversing up the avenue away from me and bits of motorhome scattered on the road.
Someone had scraped round the rear of my Hymer 534 and then severely scraped all the way down the side of the hymer, ripping off the wheel trim any lights that were on the side and even the lock for the gas bottle compartment. Not only that but along my car, as well as five other vehicles on the avenue.
They were away before anyone could get a reg number, but i got a wing mirror that was left from their vehicle.
We are in a cul-de-sac and i am pretty sure which house the vehicle was at as it was parked behind my hymer over the drive of a house with a party going on.
The occupants of the house deny all knowledge of this incident so it is now in the hands of the police.
My dilemma is where do i get my Hymer repaired. The Hymer dealer i used to go to,Brownhills, are no longer there and hambilton engineering who also deal with hymers can't do anything till September.
Does anyone know of any other hymer dealers, ime not sure if i take it to a regular body shop that they will know what to do with it. Its not just body repair thats need but also parts.:(:mad2::cry:
Hi Guy, really sorry to hear about that, not only the shock and horror of discovering the damage, but also the hassle to come of getting quotes for the insurance and having to do without the van until it is sorted. Mine was off the road for ages last summer being repaired (after i drove it into a height barrier!) so I really sympathise. I dont know if its too far but there's a good company near Halifax, Richard Baldwins, not the cheapest but do a good job, here's a link Home Page
Good luck
Sorry to hear of your troubles, I presume your insurance company will be picking up the bill. If so ask them who they use in your area. It doesn't have to be a Hymer agent or dealer. Any good coach works/bodyshop will be able to source the parts.
Lets hope you get it repaired soon
Thanks for the advice. I have jotted down the number of R Baldwin and will ring them tomorrow. My problem is the MOT runs out tomorrow, is was booked in for today but obviously can't take it as it won't pass in its damaged state. The insurance company said it shouldn't be on the road with no mot so i would like it at the body shop asap. My problem also is how to get back home if its to far once i drop of my motorhome.
Yes thats a problem, does your insurance include a courtesy car? When I dropped mine off (not at baldwins i hasten to add) the slimey owner gave me a lift home, and when i thanked him on the way he patted my knee and said he always treated his women well!! I started gabbling about my lovely little grand daughter!!
The insurance company should surely arrange for the vehicle to be transported to a repairer on a recovery vehicle - so that should not present a problem. If they are concerned about the MOT situation, they should collect it tomorrow.

They should also return it after repair. You are permitted to drive it to an MOT station without MOT.
When i had my bump in Dec (seems so long ago now), it surely is traumatic, its seems to never end, like canalsman said, the ins should give you a courtesy vehcile, like for like, mine offered me a brand new MH :lol-053: but i decided not to take them up on the offer, however, i did claim mileage expenses there and back, (stoke to sheffield). You should not be out of pocket.
I will get them to take it to the garage, if i start getting involved and they don't like the quote from the garage i take it to, they could ask me to take it elsewhere.
I will have to look if i have a courtesy car on the policy. The thing is that my car is damaged too so will have a courtsey car from that as well.
give wheelquick in wigan a ring. he does repairs to all and insurance work he is also one of the few honest ones around. if he cant do it he will know a man who can and he is a real nice guy.
I have no idea who the dishonest ones are and I think that we should all be given this information in order to avoid being cheated. I have only dealt with two motorhome repair companies and found them both to be professional and, as far as I can determine, honest.

Crossleys in Leyland in Lancashire is a very well established and professional firm, which does body repairs for motorhomes and caravans.

The one that I can thoroughly recommend though is a distance from you but, in my opinion, one of the best in the business. I saw a 'van that they'd repaired where a fork lift truck had gone through the body. You couldn't tell that it had ever been damaged. The company specialise in the delicate work involved in fixing gaping holes in bodies made from fibre glass and similar materials, as well as all the other types of construction. It is DMR Motorhomes and they're on the Yorkshire/Nottinghamshire border. A long way, but for me it was well worth the drive.

DMR - Motorhome Body Repair Specialists - About Us

Both of these companies are long established and very professional and would have no problem in fixing your damage and if necessary, obtaining the relevant spares.
Hmm...nice neighbours they obviously know who was at their party. Sorry to hear about happened to me once years ago with a car...they put the whole boot in and almost wrote it off....cost me a lot of money as I had third party insurance at the time.
You could try emm bee in bury they did my burnster elegance last year and did a good job on it
Can't offer any useful suggestions - just sympathy - it can be very frustrating dealing with insurance companies even when you are totally teh innocent party. I sincerely hope the police find them - but that doesn't really help you. In the meantime will work on a few witchy curses to those who did the damage:D
Thanks for the advice everyone,and the offer of putting a curse on them.
I found a place called motorhomes UK based in preston. Their websites looks like they do a good job. They came and picked it up for me the next day after looking at pictures i sent them online.
The downside is depending on how long it takes for parts it could take 6 weeks or more.
We was going to the west coast of Scotland but will have to wait now.
Glad you found somewhere, but bummer about 6 weeks... Summer will be over...though not sure if we can call it that! We are on flood alert here again this weekend!
I may get to go away in September, which is normally nice on the west coast of Scotland then, but the weathers so unpredictable at the moment, who knows.

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