It's actually the other way round here, the local Shell garage charges 68p/litre, the local Calor depot charges 66p/litre while all three small local places sell it for 54p/litre!They are probably a small supplier who can't even buy the lpg at what the big boys can sell it for , also if they are selling small volumes it doesn't matter how much profit there is if the volume isn't profitable.
Plenty methane and not likely to run out either, have none of the companies tried that?
Is it because methane isn't stored as a liquid so would be unsuitable for mobile use? I seem to remember something being powered by it years back when they were first saying about old chippy fat and sorts of other stuff but cant remember what it was. They powered petrol vehicles with coal gas in the war, big bags of it on the roof but a big bag wouldn't help drag coefficient and anything more than 20mph
One advantage may be the removal of height barriers though haha
It's actually the other way round here, the local Shell garage charges 68p/litre, the local Calor depot charges 66p/litre while all three small local places sell it for 54p/litre!
Has anyone filled up with LPG at a motorway service area? At their prices, you would move on to the next place to get it cheaper. Yo be honest, I can t see why they ever bothered to sell it.
If you all think that buying LPG is going to be difficult, perhaps it would be cheaper to bite the bullet and buy cylinders and regulators as required, when away. Storing them could be an issue, I'll have to see how much gas I use. I,ve been out for 12 days all up, and am still using the same 6kg bottle. Having said that, I've not had to use the heating a great deal. Oh! the van is a Ducato panel van conversion. I'm assuming that Spain and Portugal use the same system. And that only the b French are different. Now that would give me an excuse not to go there.
It all depends on how much you use your 'van and if you travel in Europe.
I have been using my 'van 8 months of the year and I'm now going to use it full-time. I also spend a lot of time in France, with occasional forays into Iberia and Italy. A refillable system is the only sensible option for me - it's easy and very cheap for refills.
If your assumption is that Spain and Portugal use the same type of gas cylinder connections as the UK, I have to disappoint you. Calor bottle connections are unique to the UK.
Quick thought ! Does Calor go off?
Quick thought ! Does Calor go off?
Where does it come from if its natural gas it,s thousands of years old to start with