Levelling ramps


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Anyone found any decent levelling ramps that last more than a couple of seasons? So far we’ve got through three sets, Fiamma and Milenco, and only have a 3.5t van.
Anyone found any decent levelling ramps that last more than a couple of seasons? So far we’ve got through three sets, Fiamma and Milenco, and only have a 3.5t van.

Sounds like you need to make a set out of wood ,very easy if you put your mind to it
You're right about Milenco being no good. I've had three pairs of them and they've all broken for no good reason.
I'll be interested in the answers too. I've had the same yellow Fiamma ones for the last 7 years but they're getting a bit cracked now, so I'll probably have to replace them at some point soon.
Its not just me then. Ive had two sets of the big Jumbo yellow ones. Fiammia and a copy off Ebay for about £20. They dont last that long but I dont want a really heavy set either. I suppose they are just disposable items really.
@ £20 Very disposable

We must have a good set (Yellow Fiamma) lasted us 8 years and still OK plus.

Useful to read what others have posted
Our milenco triples have left bits of plastic across Europe. But not seen anything better. Reckon wood too heavy although I’ve seen some great combinations of length to get the height you need. One van in Portugal was parked on a steep incline and had about 4 blocks of varying lengths under the front wheels ... an amazing view even if a big jump to get up to his hab door!
Well it's beginning to look as though my 7-year-old Fiammas are doing better than most after all :dance:
We must have a good set (Yellow Fiamma) lasted us 8 years and still OK plus.

Useful to read what others have posted

Depends on what type of ground you park on, grass and they last forever but I always loose a chunk parking on rocky uneven surfaces in the Lakes.
Depends on what type of ground you park on, grass and they last forever but I always loose a chunk parking on rocky uneven surfaces in the Lakes.

That’s exactly what caused my ones to separate with chunks and corners parting he way
I have had a set of milenco in the back that I think I used once. Doesn’t bother me too much I just get it as good as ground allows and live with it. Caz isn’t always happy though :)
We were on a site and I noticed the ramps on a foreign van they folded up and out didn’t get the make of them I don’t think they would’ve appreciated me going right up to their van and bending down to have a look at their ramps!!
I only ever use mine when I'm on a site for a few days, so they rarely get used, so they have lasted about six years so far. It never seems worth the effort to attempt to get perfectly level for a night or two. A bit of eyeing up the area for the most level spot seems usually seems to more or less work.
I have had mine as long as I have had the van (15 years). When one of them cracked, I screwed a piece of heavy duty 3/4 inch ply on the bases and they are still going strong.
We had Milenco Triple 2s; they failed at first use (see photos). We bought the Milencos because the yellow Fiamma ramps we have aren't high enough and don't work with the handbrake on our van. The handbrake has a little backlash that's enough to let the van roll back down about half the ramp length. However, we inherited the Fiamma ramps when we bought a caravan in 2001 and kept them when we switched 'vans in 2006 and were using them for while last year with the motorhome. So, those Fiamma ramps were secondhand in 2001 and still going strong 16 years later. That said, I suspect that modern products won't have the same longevity!

have 4

Anyone found any decent levelling ramps that last more than a couple of seasons? So far we’ve got through three sets, Fiamma and Milenco, and only have a 3.5t van.

I have 4 in the locker and never used them in 12 years must have cost a fortune in fuel :confused:
If you want durable the wood is the answer, scaffold boards are cheap new or second hand.

Or have a look around a timber yard or builders merchants.

Decent bits of wood will outlast your campervan.

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