leisure battery

there is no doubt that Trojans are the best (although I am open to Lithium being better) but does the poster actually need the best?

A pair of trojan 105's will set you back close to £300, use a lot of space 2x (L 262 mm x W 181 mm x H 281 mm) and weigh in at 62 pounds (28Kg) EACH.

Not every one needs that sort of performance or wants that size and weight (not to mention the large hole in the cheque book) - a lesser battery which is smaller, cheaper and lighter may be more than adequate for the application

Trojans are good but go down hill from the day the acid is put in,but yes they will discharge down more though this is not good for all batterys nomater who makes them,the power frame bosch and varta will keep 100% for 5 years so a good buy.

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