Leave no trace...uhhhm


Full Member
So whilst touring around Arran, Bute, Kyntyre we saw a fair amount of fire pits on grass. In many instances it was clear that the last folks to use the pit had not the faintest clue how to start an open fire in the first place.

We got a bit of questioning from the Ranger and pointed out that firstly I knew how to light a fire and would have used "old or drift wood" and secondly would have made the pit on the pebble shore and cleared it away before leaving.

If one has the desire to make a fire... Clear it away, leave no trace and everyone is happy.
Saw quite a few of this this time round Scotland. Even saw where they were trying to burn green wood
If I am going somewhere remote for a few days, I bring my recycled wash machine drum and my own seasoned wood

It is a moron who would cut a live tree. Same for creating new pits, use an already created one.

Or better still, recycle an old wash machine drum.
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It never feels to astound me how some folk behave.
Lets head out to our wonderful countryside and leave all our crap, burn fires on the grass, leave the remains and bugger of somewhere else and do it all over again.
Whilst in Findhorn last week we witnessed idiots burning a fire on the opposite side of Findhorn Bay where the large forrest is.
The wind was blowing towards the forrest and their fire was no more than 5M away from the trees.
The older I get the less tolerant I am towards selfish behaviour.
But hay, all they have to do is put up barriers, or ban us, and its job done.
And the ironic thing is, I bet the idiots who lit that fire reckon its fine to ban these big white things with weirdos inside them.:mad:
Remember the carnage from tent campers at Loch Lomond not so long ago. Cut down trees for fires, bottles, cans, tents and excrement just left behind for somebody else to clear up, Rangers assaulted as well.

These people need a few years conscription.
I was at Pembrey circuit for the truck racing this weekend, bloody disgrace, motorhomes all along the top bank by Spitfires, ashamed to be a motorhomer tbh, rubbish left behind was atrocious.

The man next to us from Leeds had a wild camping sticker in his windscreen, he should be ashamed of himself.
Remember the carnage from tent campers at Loch Lomond not so long ago. Cut down trees for fires, bottles, cans, tents and excrement just left behind for somebody else to clear up, Rangers assaulted as well.

These people need a few years conscription.
Hence why no wild camping in tents is allowed now from April to October within the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs national park. This initially included car parks but this was deemed to be wrong and you can now park in permitted car parks within the park all year round. This is the only part of Scotland where the Land ****** act does not apply for those in tents, of course the LRA does not apply to motorised vehicles.
The good places to us have fire pits installed. The great wood in the mendips ! Yes .

Owners of land should build them and we can use them or it a free for . As all carparks are now a £1 a car min
A lot of the mess and old fires I saw hadn't been done by folks in campers. Around Duck Bay there were remains of a good few fires in early January and there is no overnighting there, I would think New Year celebrations possibly. Certainly I saw lots of folks from cars and the tour vehicles chucking rubbish. The tour vehicle business needs regulating if it doesn't already have it. There can be queues of folks getting off busses looking for somewhere to pee, the authorities have to be aware of this
If you must have a fire (And I dont see the appeal) do it on a rocky beach and preferably over 100 metres from my van as they flipping stink. I remember on Arran seeing a lovely picnic area full of scorched holes like this. Awful.
If you must have a fire (And I dont see the appeal) do it on a rocky beach and preferably over 100 metres from my van as they flipping stink. I remember on Arran seeing a lovely picnic area full of scorched holes like this. Awful.
Don't even need to do that Barry, put a fire blanket down and have fire off the ground. Jobs a good un :)
Japan has built a wall so tour busses / visitors can't see Mt fuji lol
You're asking / getting that here v soon. Lol.
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Don't even need to do that Barry, put a fire blanket down and have fire off the ground. Jobs a good un :)

Too much trouble for most it would seem though sadly. Although I wasnt even aware you could do that to be fair.