Leaking water onto hab doorstep


Full Member
Hi all.... this is the first leak i have had for ages...... my van has been parked up over the winter, and i noticed last week there was a fair bit of water on the hab step. The only place i can think of it could be coming in is via the top of the hab door - which is one of those older white metal doors with aluminium strip edges. The reason i think this is that a bit of tree "stole" a bit of my guttering on the hab door side, and the current gutter ends above the hab door. I haven't remembered yet to go out in the lashing rain to see if the water runs off the end of the gutter and inside the van or not.... but i assume this is likely. should i replace the whole length of gutter?

Does anyone know a place not far from Yeovil that i could get this done without it costing an arm and a leg please ? Thanks
Hi all.... this is the first leak i have had for ages...... my van has been parked up over the winter, and i noticed last week there was a fair bit of water on the hab step. The only place i can think of it could be coming in is via the top of the hab door - which is one of those older white metal doors with aluminium strip edges. The reason i think this is that a bit of tree "stole" a bit of my guttering on the hab door side, and the current gutter ends above the hab door. I haven't remembered yet to go out in the lashing rain to see if the water runs off the end of the gutter and inside the van or not.... but i assume this is likely. should i replace the whole length of gutter?

Does anyone know a place not far from Yeovil that i could get this done without it costing an arm and a leg please ? Thanks
This sort of thing ?

Aluminium Gutter Section ║ aprx 40x15 mm / 25x12 mm ║ J profile,alloy,U channel | eBay
It could be capillary water seepage under the door if there is only a tight gap ?

Your door seems to be a bit like a 2 part stable type caravan door - can you see whether the top of the door is sealing properly ?
sometimes the doors can 'warp' a little and stop the rubber seal working.

However, it sounds like the priority is to get the gutter fixed first - can you post a pic of the damaged part?

I fixed some guttering onto my friends MH with Stixall intending to put some self tappers in at a later date, it's still there 2 years later and I still haven't got round to putting the self tappers in!
You are pretty handy Delish, I reckon you could do the guttering yourself.
It could be capillary water seepage under the door if there is only a tight gap ?


Thats got me thinking...... the van is not parked exactly level right now... so there's another clue... i will go and look at the plumb line later as well see which way its leaning....
Your door seems to be a bit like a 2 part stable type caravan door - can you see whether the top of the door is sealing properly ?
sometimes the doors can 'warp' a little and stop the rubber seal working.

However, it sounds like the priority is to get the gutter fixed first - can you post a pic of the damaged part?


Thanks Dave.... it is indeed a stable type door and it is the coldest hab area in the whole van. I need to go inside it when its lashing down really to see if the water is getting in there. Now i have seen this leak i can do that next time its raining - forecast says it wont be long !!

Could i glue a whole new length of guttering on ?
I fixed some guttering onto my friends MH with Stixall intending to put some self tappers in at a later date, it's still there 2 years later and I still haven't got round to putting the self tappers in!
You are pretty handy Delish, I reckon you could do the guttering yourself.

Amazon.co.uk: stixall

if this is the right stuff izzie - i can order that and maybe get my nice next door neighbour to assist if i glue a whole new length of guttering in place
Fiamma make a product called Drip Strip that is self-adhesive. This is placed above the door and acts as a gutter.

Could be a good solution.
Could i glue a whole new length of guttering on ?

If your roof is like mine - it is a one piece fibreglass affair (best design) - so your gutter is not also a join between 2 separate roof / wall sections like on a caravan (or lesser motorhomes...!)
If so, then the best (but risky) option is to remove the whole length of gutter - carefully (is it screwed on or glued?), and then sikaflex a new length on.

An easier option would be to splice a new section in, to replace the missing bit, but you would need to find a matching piece, and ensure the joins are smooth.

A job best left till warmer weather to allow the sealant to bond properely.

Your plan to spend a bit of time investigating (with a hose pipe?) is time well spent.

Good luck,
Have you put some talcum powder on the door seals to try and find out from where the water is getting in?
If it's fibreglass is a repair an option?

i am not sure what you are suggesting - sorry ? Repair the gutter? - there is a length missing.

i suspect that replacing a small section of gutter will still end up with a leak over the hab door (as that will be where the join will be) - as its hard enough sealing new pieces of house gutters !!!
i am not sure what you are suggesting - sorry ? Repair the gutter? - there is a length missing.

i suspect that replacing a small section of gutter will still end up with a leak over the hab door (as that will be where the join will be) - as its hard enough sealing new pieces of house gutters !!!

If it's made of fibreglass you can buy matting, resin/hardner and repair the missing section. You could even buy carbon fibre matting and have some bling haha.

It can be messy though so probably not a good suggestion for a gutter especially if it is removable. I used to buy my stuff from here, think they have guides f you ever need to do any fibreglass repairs: East Coast Fibreglass - Fibreglass Supplies to the UK East Coast
If it's made of fibreglass you can buy matting, resin/hardner and repair the missing section. You could even buy carbon fibre matting and have some bling haha.

It can be messy though so probably not a good suggestion for a gutter especially if it is removable. I used to buy my stuff from here, think they have guides f you ever need to do any fibreglass repairs: East Coast Fibreglass - Fibreglass Supplies to the UK East Coast

Ah - maybe i didn't explain things too well - my habitation unit body is a single unit made in fibre glass but the guttering is aluminium - someone else sent me a link to ebay for earlier in the thread..... an replacing the whole length of guttering sounds the simplest way - as long as i can get a neighbour to hold one end for me as i glue it on....
Ha ha, delete my posts :)

I did see the link to the ali gutter but when I saw the post about fibreglass body I wasn't sure if it was moulded in guttering. Unscrewing a section of ali and replacing will be a lot less messy than fibreglassing :)

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