La Azohia Again

  • Thread starter Deleted member 9237
  • Start date
I must admit, although I have never emptied down a man hole not designated for camper vans, I had never considered a bloke going down the hole and had I been at such a location and seen other emptying there and known it was for sewerage, I probably would have done similar.
Learned something today!
The problem with these Sanimento manholes, is that many are on or very close to the beaches / sea outlet and are often the last on the line from the treatment works , which can mean that your cassette contents are going into the sea untreated as you have by passed the treatment works ? I often use the Sanimento manholes to empty when out wilding so I am as much to blame as others , I do try to ensure that my waste is going through a treatment works where possible though.:scared::scared:
In general I find Spanish less likely to leave rubbish but don't see many picking up dogshit !
We , motorhomers , can only leave a good impression . Unfortunately there are some real thoughtless to$$ers about

Go on tell us those of which nation are the most likely to dump rubbish ? ;)
I can't agree with you more there are real thoughtless tossers around,
irrespective of pastime, nationality, age group.
I have no real opinion based on nationality. I find a lot depends on the age groups prevalent in any given area and other factors. I find the winter time wild camper, (on average consisting of the older age group)to be a little more responsible regarding litter dumping than the general population.
Go on tell us those of which nation are the most likely to dump rubbish ? ;)
I can't agree with you more there are real thoughtless tossers around,
irrespective of pastime, nationality, age group.
I have no real opinion based on nationality. I find a lot depends on the age groups prevalent in any given area and other factors. I find the winter time wild camper, (on average consisting of the older age group)to be a little more responsible regarding litter dumping than the general population.

The worst nation for rubbish dumping ? Really can't say . Probably best for shitlifting those from GB ? Littering seems worse here than abroad though [general public not motorhomers] .
Cleanest place I've been for a while Bruges . I saw no rubbish , graffiti or radges [apart from drunken Essex lads] .
French towns and villages always seem well cared for . I sometimes wonder if the way local government is financed there makes a difference ? Where is wotsisname when you need him ?
It's a circular really argument, you can usually find a number of
national characteristics to put forward to counter positive examples.
For instance French towns and villages.....clean and tidy, but then
what about French public toilets and the penchant for
pissing virtually anywhere (generally but not exclusively hommes either!)

Australia could be considered a tidyish country, and justly proud of it, but anyone travelling the highway from Adelaide to Darwin couldn't miss the
continuous 25m strip each side festooned and strewn with tinnies (ali beer cans)
and bottles (stubbies) all empty of course! No wasted grog in oz!
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The problem with these Sanimento manholes, is that many are on or very close to the beaches / sea outlet and are often the last on the line from the treatment works , which can mean that your cassette contents are going into the sea untreated as you have by passed the treatment works ? I often use the Sanimento manholes to empty when out wilding so I am as much to blame as others , I do try to ensure that my waste is going through a treatment works where possible though.:scared::scared:

You can always make sure your waste goes through a treatment works if, when necessary, you pay for the privilege!

During a winter free parking it doesn't hurt to pay to dump on occasions, does it?
No I think we all agree with this as mentioned several times earlier in the thread. The problem comes when there are no facilities
15 minutes drive away there is a campsite and they used to let you empty there and fill up with water i dont know if they still do :wave:
Beware. Local Residents fed up.

Here is a newspaper report..... (Click the word 'here' to read it)....

The message has to be... 150 is too many.


10 is enough. Let some bars' paying customers park their cars .... you are taking up proper customers' parking spaces...

Don't steal our water. someone has to pay for it. We pay for the water we use. Why don't you pay for the water YOU use?

Don't lift manhole covers.... who pays for the maintenance of them? Who pays for the servicing of the sewage system? Who pays for the electric to run the pumps to remove your sewage? This assumes that you don't empty your casette in a rambla.... (I have seen this happen, just before a Dutch walking group went through it...).

Come on, pay your way. Or go away.:danger:

This is addressed to 'you'. If you 'freecamp' in such huge numbers you can expect locals to be very very irritated by you.

And don't steal the wifi servce from the local bar.
You know who you are, we know who you are. We might even have your bank details....

oh, and by the way.. don't assume this location will be available next winter.....
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La Azohia Abuse of facilities.

By way of update Go Away. Numerous complaints have now been made to the Town Hall, Hidrogea and the Police about the ilegal camping problems in La Azohia. Especially the ilegal lifting of drain covers, the ilegal dumping of human waste directly into the sewers and the threats that have been made to locals when campervanners have been challenged about their behaviour. As a consequence Hidrogea have sealed all the man hole covers and the police have told the locals to call them if they see anybody who is about to dump waste. In fact the police have increased their presence in the village by opening a police office in San Gines.
The people of La Azohia welcome all visitors who abide by the law and act responsibly. If you are not prepared to then please do not come. The locals pay for and provide all the local facilities. They shouldn’t have to share it with free loaders who make a mess then go.

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