Kindle 3g+wifi


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Hi All
I bought my partner Jackie a Kindle 3G +WiFi for Christmas--She Loves it being an avid reader she has already downloaded quite a few book's already and you can also surf the net aswell:D So at last I have done some thing right for a change:cool: Any one else got one of these?
Bye for now
yup - got the mrs one too - not tried it outside the home yet....
yes we got one for the kids;) cant get on emalis with it though:(:(
we got books from ebay on a disk (cheap);)

I have one of these, or to be strictly accurate, half of one.
Madam’s birthday is 7 days before mine so we got one between us. Apparently this means that I get to use it on my birthday, & Madam has it the other 360 odds days of the year.
Had a bit of trouble accessing my emails, so I switched to Gmail – it works. .

I have one of these, or to be strictly accurate, half of one.
Madam’s birthday is 7 days before mine so we got one between us. Apparently this means that I get to use it on my birthday, & Madam has it the other 360 odds days of the year.
Had a bit of trouble accessing my emails, so I switched to Gmail – it works. .


Nice one Dezi i have a gmail account .

I have one of these, or to be strictly accurate, half of one.
Madam’s birthday is 7 days before mine so we got one between us. Apparently this means that I get to use it on my birthday, & Madam has it the other 360 odds days of the year.
Had a bit of trouble accessing my emails, so I switched to Gmail – it works. .


Hi Dezi
could you tell me how to set up a gmail account bear in mind that I am a complete 'numpty' :eek: regarding computers etc
many thanks
bye for now
Hi Dezi
could you tell me how to set up a gmail account bear in mind that I am a complete 'numpty' :eek: regarding computers etc
many thanks
bye for now

Hi, Simply type gmail into google & all will be revealed.

Hi, Simply type gmail into google & all will be revealed.


Hi Again Dezi
Well I told Jackie about gmail and she tells me she has already got a gmail account that she set up 18months ago when she was being 'head hunted' for her present job!!. She has just sent me a 'test' email and it is all working fine :D. I also sent her an email to her kindle--no problems.:D now I have got to find out how many more email address's she has (oop's):eek::rolleyes:.
Bye for now
A friend of ours who works with disabled children introduced me to a tool on Kindle that I had previously overlooked.
Amazon are doing text to speech books ( same price) for disabled / blind people.
Open the book page on Kindle, then go to the small Aa button ( next to Home )
Just click the Text to Speech switch & Stephen Hawkin starts reading to you. .

great , great bit of kit as long as is the 3G version

would be worth it even if you couldn't download books!!!
I gather you can surf the net for free on these Kindly windly things. Has anyone put this to the test abroad yet?

I think the browser is a bit limited but if you can get online for nowt I might consider one.

Have had a kindle for about nine months now would be lost without it, as an avid reader i have read and archived some 60 odd books already.amazingly easy to access any type of reading material. I can also access internet and my e mail as long as theres W Fi about Happy kindlng, oh there is a facebook Kindle site too cheers.

just a reply to question of abroad, at this moment I am Tenerife and it all works fine downloading books and connection to Internet.
just a reply to question of abroad, at this moment I am Tenerife and it all works fine downloading books and connection to Internet.

Are you using the 3G phone signal to connect and is it free?

I've got a 3g one and think that it's great. One thing to beware of though is that using 3g for internet or e mails can lead to your amazon account being billed.

Particularly good is the ability to choose your own text size for any given book.

Imagine the space savings of having 3500 books in it compared to the paper version.
A bit robotic

The listen to book being read facility built into a Kindle sounds very R-O-B-O-T-I-C so there is another option.

Buy Audible audio books on-line and play them from you Kindle

see Help: Listening to Audiobooks on Kindle (1st Generation)

My wife was an Audible user first but now uses her Kindle to listen to them instead of her MP3 player. A Kindle has 3GB storage space and each Audible book is about 100K so quite a few can be stored.

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So its not free then?

It is free at the moment, but in the small print may be charged for at some time.
Additionally in the manual it says that e mails and data can be charged when using 3g.
Downloading books from Amazon is free.

So the answer is it is free, but it might not be. :)

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