It's enough to put you off going abroad.


I've just been doing a final check on required documents and found that it is recommended that you carry the MOT. I'm surprised they don't ask you to carry your marriage certificate, just to make sure that it's your mistress and not your wife in the seat next to you as sleeping around seems to be compulsory over there. My wife informs me it will be easier next time....if there is a next time. I'm not keen on driving in this Country these days which is why my original intention was to head for Scotland before the weather got worse, to get away from the Olympics and the traffic. I now have the prospect ahead of me of driving in a country which drives on the wrong side of the road and in which the police apparently have carte blanche to issue fines for anything which takes their fancy.

No doubt I'll enjoy it when I get there, it's just the hassle involved, not to mention the weather, which seems to be changing over there as well, every time I look at Accuweather.
hi doesnt matter what country you are in its always best to drive on the right side .
the other side is the wrong side.
carrying mot .log book insurance etc ,passport and all the rest is ideal. saves having to go back in a number of days .
smile you should be happy . after all you are in a camper sleeping around is what its all about .
have fun . you will if you calm down and smile . stay off m,ways toll roads pick the smallest roads you can see on the map .
thats the way and have an adventure. wish i was there .
you'll love it,any copper contact just be really polite.first hypermarche sign you see pull in and get a nice baguette and a bit of brie and some olives,bottle of cheap plonk,find an aire or just stay in the car park.second day is always better when you've got over the stress of the crossing,customs,funny driving,mental roundabouts,working out how to change lanes[ sometimes its just easier to go somewhere else] theres also the strong desire to look at EVERYTHING but you know if you take your eyes off the road you're dead.second day is fine!
Just got back from a round trip to Misano hardly saw any police, much less traffic, better weather, cheaper fuel, better food,can't wait to go back:wave:
I'm surprised they don't ask you to carry your marriage certificate, just to make sure that it's your mistress and not your wife in the seat next to you as sleeping around seems to be compulsory over there..

In Saudi, if you have a female in the car that is not your legally wedded wife then you are in deep s**t.

A sheep, goat or donkey is not a problem. :p
No, we've been before.

We went to France a few years ago and yes, I did look in estate agents windows, with the idea of possibly moving there when I retired. Unfortunately my wife doesn't speak any French and is partially sighted, so she was worried about me dying and leaving her stuck out there. I'm not really whinging and I'm sure I shall enjoy myself once I'm over there, just pissed off today at having to sort everything out for every country we may pass through on the way back up, including an extra warning triangle and red and white aluminium square for Italy. Strange that, isn't it? Every other country accepts plastic plates, except Italy, where the aluminium ones are made:)
thats not complicated tie em on the roof . Morocco 2008-2009 3 059.jpg
Foot and mouth hit Wales badly.

All the dating agencies had to close down:shag::shag::shag:
Well I think you're very brave, Bushtrekker, and I hope you and your wife have a wonderful holiday.

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