Italian car park fine

We are in North Italy close to Lake Garda. Wildcamping is quite challenging around here so we are in a campsite for three nights.

Today we parked our CV and our daughter's MH in a car park to go climbing - them not us. We payed the correct amount for the time we stayed, were parked within the boxes and there were no restriction signs. When we returned we both had parking ticket, issued by 'Polizia Locale Interecomunale'. Don't know what we did wrong. The car park had a sign with a picture of a car.

We were not cars but there were four non MH/CV vans in the car park and these did not have tickets. So a bit of a mystery.
Question: The 4 vans you mention above that did not have tickets .... were they parked there at the time you originally parked? If they were not there when you parked, you could have been ticketed before they arrived.

So the question is should we pay the fine? If we were leaving Italy with no plans to come back in the near future I would be inclined to ignore the fine. But we will go to Slovenia and later travel back through Italy. I don't know how connected the various parts of the Italian police are and whether we might get pulled over in another part of the country for the non payment of a fine - so I am inclined to pay the fine to avoid bigger problems later.

Any thoughts?
For less than €30, is it really worth taking the risk of ignoring the penalty?
You may not have understood what the Car symbol meant but the ticket detail explains that and it matches the situation so you are basically 'banged to rights' are you not?

it is quite possible an unpaid fine, and being a municipal govt. fine as opposed to a private company one, your registration could be logged on a database and on re-entry with an APNR camera on the Border, something gets flagged up. You may not typically get stopped within EU borders, but doesn't mean they are not manned, and with a UK Registration, likely to get checked anyway more than a vehicle with a EU Country's reg.
I think the way you deal with genuine mistakes you make in life reflects a lot about a person's character ....

I'm a kind of "Yup I cocked that up and will accept the process of making amends type"
And learn from the process ....
Rather than "it's someone else's fault I'm not sorting it out type "
I think the way you deal with genuine mistakes you make in life reflects a lot about a person's character ....

I'm a kind of "Yup I cocked that up and will accept the process of making amends type"
And learn from the process ....
Rather than "it's someone else's fault I'm not sorting it out type "
Judgmental , pompous , superior , patronising.
For me , all of the above
We are in North Italy close to Lake Garda. Wildcamping is quite challenging around here so we are in a campsite for three nights.

Today we parked our CV and our daughter's MH in a car park to go climbing - them not us. We payed the correct amount for the time we stayed, were parked within the boxes and there were no restriction signs. When we returned we both had parking ticket, issued by 'Polizia Locale Interecomunale'. Don't know what we did wrong. The car park had a sign with a picture of a car. We were not cars but there were four non MH/CV vans in the car park and these did not have tickets. So a bit of a mystery.

So the question is should we pay the fine? If we were leaving Italy with no plans to come back in the near future I would be inclined to ignore the fine. But we will go to Slovenia and later travel back through Italy. I don't know how connected the various parts of the Italian police are and whether we might get pulled over in another part of the country for the non payment of a fine - so I am inclined to pay the fine to avoid bigger problems later.

Any thoughts?

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My experience of Italian motoring offences: I was flashed by a camera in a hire car in Sicily during February. I received a fine at my UK address in November...the following year. Italian justice may not be quick but they don't seem to give up.
Friend has family in Italy . His cousin got fined for a traffic incident in Milan . He had never been to Milan .
Went to local police . Pay fine or else !
Its the Italian way

I think that the OP would get a similar response if he went to the police and asked them.

Personally I would tend not to cross the police in a foreign country so if it was me I wouldn't argue the point (not that I go to or intend to go to foreign countries anymore).
Fines have been paid, within 5 days, but did not get the 30% discount. I queried this by email and they said it had been included in the original amount.

Now being more vigalent about signs.