Isn't this the absolute truth????

Feel free to call yourself anything you like but let's have a sense of proportion here. Where does it say you can't celebrate being English? Repeat a rumour often enough and some people are convinced its true - so lets start another one and see where it goes: all immigrants are here as part of a global conspiracy funded by Brazil to divert funds away from sport and thus ensure we don't win the World Cup. If we don't win then it must be true.
Feel free to call yourself anything you like but let's have a sense of proportion here. Where does it say you can't celebrate being English? Repeat a rumour often enough and some people are convinced its true - so lets start another one and see where it goes: all immigrants are here as part of a global conspiracy funded by Brazil to divert funds away from sport and thus ensure we don't win the World Cup. If we don't win then it must be true.

John lets be a little less generic than Brazil are we talking indigenous tribes, or settlers within Brazil that are the conspirers?

I heard it was nothing to do with football but all to do with us buying our coffee beans from Kenya and Costa Rica ........Apparently if it is a Brazil v England final
We Get a 3 goal start and if we dont win we have to give the falklands to Argentina as pennance.

Apparently they found one (a Brazilian) in London they have no idea what he was doing and if he was a conspirator. they shot him!!.

Must be all connected;)

John lets be a little less generic than Brazil are we talking indigenous tribes, or settlers within Brazil that are the conspirers?

I heard it was nothing to do with football but all to do with us buying our coffee beans from Kenya and Costa Rica ........Apparently if it is a Brazil v England final
We Get a 3 goal start and if we dont win we have to give the falklands to Argentina as pennance.

Apparently they found one (a Brazilian) in London they have no idea what he was doing and if he was a conspirator. they shot him!!.

Must be all connected;)


Sorry but I cannot reveal my sources - if I told you I would have to shoot you. Forget the coffee but you are definitely on to something with that Falkland Islands thing. By the way, I never knew you had a Brazilian..........

This is the flag of the Kingdom of Mercia, we who live in the Kingdom demand a Parliament of our own, and eventually, independence from the United Kingdom.

I always understood that the Union Jack refered to the "Jack" staff on which the actual flag was flown. The flag of Great Britain is the Union Flag.

You are quoting a quote that robjmckinney was quoting, it was not his quote, it was the O.P.'s quote. Hope I've cleared this up with my quotes of your quote and RJ's quote, not to mention the quote of the O.P.. It pays to check up on your quotes you know,and you can quote me on that.:confused:

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