Guernsey Donkey
I have spent much time in Scotland and particularly like the Islands. I have never met a local person who did not welcome us. I feel that local businesses are glad of the boost and are pleased to meet us, especially pubs, hotels and restaurants. I suspect that the Honourable Member has misjudged the mood of the local people.
Is tourism bad for the economy, or is it just this type of tourism, where people, mostly retired and with considerable disposable income come to visit and appreciate the natural beauty of the area. Of course tourist numbers could be increased by building attractions and resorts, that might bring a younger crowd and surely would scar the landscape. If tourism is not wanted then restrict access to the ferries, although I do not think the people he is objecting to make descisions based on the cost of ferry travel, Alan.
I can assure you that Angus MacNeil is not against Camper Vans/Motor Homes, most of what you read in the press is them making a mountain out of a molehill. There are always the odd few people that will moan about anything so now it is the turn of the M/Homers on the Islands, all in all the trades people have welcomed the extra business that you the motorhomers have bought in to the Islands.
Ferry fares are now roughly half the price of last year mainly due to RET on Cal Mac ferries thanks to the Scottish Goverment.
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