Is it me ???

merc merc merc merc
Come on most makes of cars ford audi etc have pi"""" us off from time too time:mad: IT is the driver NOT the car they drive. no I don't have a merc, can't afford one:(
Come on most makes of cars ford audi etc have pi"""" us off (

Yes-of-course but why is-it a pre-requisite for a BMW driver to be an aggressive driver, my son-in-law is a BMW driver, a gentle-man and a lovely bloke but put him behind the steering wheel of his Beemer and all his frustrations come pouring-out.
Its true, until quite recently if you had someone sitting 3 inches from your chuff on a motorway you could bet they were in a BMW. Audi and Merc drivers are catching up though... and what about the blinged-up Range Rovers?
Its true, until quite recently if you had someone sitting 3 inches from your chuff on a motorway you could bet they were in a BMW. Audi and Merc drivers are catching up though... and what about the blinged-up Range Rovers?

What's all this about BMW, Audi and Merc drivers?? you don't have to look very far to find tuggers doing 65-70mph on the motorway, with the Caravan swinging from side to side. Followed one couple of weeks ago on the M6 going North towards Wigan, and could not catch him, and I was doing 69mph.
BTW I am an Audi driver, the make of car as nothing to do with irresponsible behaviour on our roads, some people just can't drive!

Happy Camping:)
I'm not saying that everyone who owns these cars is a bad driver, i agree that there are a lot of bad drivers in a wide range of vehicles. Its just that the arrogant people that tailgate constantly are generally attracted to these status symbol brands. I can honestly say that i've never been tailgated by anyone towing a caravan, but i've been tailgated 3 times today during my half hour drive home - once by a guy in Beemer, and twice by Audi drivers.
Got rear ended by a BMW a while back when driving my old Marlin Roadster, he had followed me for 2 miles, plenty of chances for him to overtake, guess he just liked the view of the back of my head!!
I braked gently for a corner and he hit me, messed up his front but only scratched the big bar of metal that is the marlins rear bumper. I did ask if he had not noticed my brake lights? His answer, was "how could I be expected to see them when I was so close, you should have a high level one"
I have often thought that BMs must leak exhaust fumes into the driving area, the only way I can think to explain the rapid loss of brain cells when someone is driving one :rolleyes:
And now it seems that Audis have the same problem if my commute from Yorkshire to Manchester over the M62 is anything to go by.
I now have a sticker that says "Caution. I brake for tailgaters" on the 'van. And with a rear step surrounded by 4inch box section steel with a tow ball welded to it, i'm not too worried about twats nudging me from behind.:D
What's all this about BMW, Audi and Merc drivers?? you don't have to look very far to find tuggers doing 65-70mph on the motorway, with the Caravan swinging from side to side. Followed one couple of weeks ago on the M6 going North towards Wigan, and could not catch him, and I was doing 69mph.

I just had a four-day trip into South-Devon from West Wales and I'm amazed at the number of tuggers who are chance-ing-it along the motorways with poorly assembled rigs or just damn poor driving.

I've followed vans swaying from side-to-side and vans that go up-and-down though I did notice two units from the department-of-transport pulling-em-in in two different locations, I also spotted one doing well over 70 in the third-lane. That rig was going up-down and side side-to-side.

What's happening ? It's only-just the start of, "Silly-season".
What's all this about BMW, Audi and Merc drivers?? you don't have to look very far to find tuggers doing 65-70mph on the motorway, with the Caravan swinging from side to side. Followed one couple of weeks ago on the M6 going North towards Wigan, and could not catch him, and I was doing 69mph.
BTW I am an Audi driver, the make of car as nothing to do with irresponsible behaviour on our roads, some people just can't drive!

Happy Camping:)

Ha Ha sounds like my brother in law..... he reckons that Campervans go so slow because they can hear all the crockery rattling about and HE can't ha ha

we have some heated discussions I can tell you !!!

Ha Ha sounds like my brother in law..... he reckons that Campervans go so slow because they can hear all the crockery rattling about and HE can't ha ha

I think he's right, he is in my case though I do crank it up to 70 on the smooth sections. Actually, I try to drive at 60-ish. This is more to do with my comfort-zone, economy and road conditions.

I'm achieving over 30 MPG (5 litres) with a 6 metre Burstner Elegance on a 2.8 JTD and managing to arrive at my destination almost stress-free by driving within my personal limitations. If I crank it up to 70 I'm dealing with nutters, inconsiderate drivers and those with a lack of forethought and that includes 'tuggers'.

Caravans on the roads have gained an awful reputation for causing problems though well-balanced units seem to be very flexible, they don't snake about and make adequate progress under all conditions.

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