is CJ

The thing was about him being sexist on women and vehicles was it was just comical, as Mrs Basildog was there who is a professional PSV driver who could turn his van round for him on a sixpence, so that bit was kind of farcical humour for me. I know there were other things, and I was somewhat opened mouthed at times but it was new years eve and there was a lot going on and I was probably too drunk to notice.
The thing was about him being sexist on women and vehicles was it was just comical, as Mrs Basildog was there who is a professional PSV driver who could turn his van round for him on a sixpence, so that bit was kind of farcical humour for me. I know there were other things, and I was somewhat opened mouthed at times but it was new years eve and there was a lot going on and I was probably too drunk to notice.

it would have been jaw punching any other night, i felt like a bloody bouncer at times, one bloke was ready to smack him, his wife told me what he had said, i cant repeat it because its hearsay and that wouldnt be fair even on CJ but the point is he upsets everyone around him and i dont want to be labelled in that type of group, sorry but thats how i feel, i can only speak of my experience and what happened on the Friday night too, i was offended and i'm not going to sit here and read his dribble about how he was treat when he treat everyone else like £$%^. I dont know if Karen was offended, i'm sure she can hold her own, and so can i, we all have a banter, a dig, a joke, but theres a line, and he crossed it, after saying all that, i dont dislike him, i think he can be quite comical and entertaining, i did help him with his van remember, he just needs to learn how to behave in a public place.
This is why I would rather do my own thing than attend organised meets .:drive:

Well as I said not everyone is going to get along....but I hope a disagreement isn't going to put him off coming to another meet as I'd like to meet could probably guarantee at least he wouldn't be

Are you CJ.S num one fan or something ??? :lol-053:j..ust kidding !!! You are right not everyone is going to get along but I for one have not got the time,
energy, or inclination to be around someone who will try and get laughs at other peoples expense......What you give out is what you get back as they say. Show me respect, humour and good social graces and you will get it back tenfold.....I like a man's man who knows how to be curteous around women and that means not making personal remarks. Like I said before probably me just being old fashioned, I may not be everyones cup of tea and likewise.:wave:.
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We were there but werent sure who everyone was, did recognise cj from his picture though. Some of the other group spoke to us as we were parked in the quarry. We had a meal and couple of drinks in the pub, then went back to see to dog. Came back in for the evening, won 2 prizes in the raffle, but I started to feel rough so we ended up going back to the van about 10.45. Started with a bad case of flu, only just got over it. The way things went, perhaps it was just as well we kept out of everything. But each to their own. We are all different, some people can never make my husband out, that is what is good about everyone. Wouldnt do if we were all the same. We should all just get over it, this thread has just started it up all over again.
Can I just point out that the New Years gathering was a great success, this thread should not discourage anyone from meeting other members. The meets are more about meeting friends from the communiy than been about wild camping.

I have met CJ and Kimbowbill, CJ knows that he is a character and likes to be the centre of attention (and will say pretty much anything to stay there) and Jenny (kimbowbill) is lovely lady who is prepared to defend herself and others from those that abuse (even sometimes in jest).

I was at Farndon and CJ was "corrected" several times on his sexist, racist and general attitude by lots of people. Being around CJ can be comical but also very embarrassing. As Jen has said not everything that was said and done is common knowledge, and this is really something between them rather than being a forum issue.
Can I just point out that the New Years gathering was a great success, this thread should not discourage anyone from meeting other members. The meets are more about meeting friends from the communiy than been about wild camping.

I have met CJ and Kimbowbill, CJ knows that he is a character and likes to be the centre of attention (and will say pretty much anything to stay there) and Jenny (kimbowbill) is lovely lady who is prepared to defend herself and others from those that abuse (even sometimes in jest).

I was at Farndon and CJ was "corrected" several times on his sexist, racist and general attitude by lots of people. Being around CJ can be comical but also very embarrassing. As Jen has said not everything that was said and done is common knowledge, and this is really something between them rather than being a forum issue.

So he's a twit at times but he's our twit and some of us will miss him if he has left the site:)

I wasn't at the meet, so am not judging anyone at all.

I did read the thread, and Jules was very forthright in his comments, as were other members that opposed his view.

Its only an opinion, but he may just be keeping his head low for a little while, you never know, he may be busy doing something else.
:idea: wonder if al got his tenner :scared: :lol-053: yer bet he's just concerned for his mate:baby:

unfortunately no i didn't receive it, not even a response email saying, sorry can't afford it just ignored. emailed ok when organizing the collection though.
shame really i have quite a few self build bits in the shed was going to let him have them. was......
put down to experience,
Come on Jules, get your head from under the covers and answer your critics :pc: :wave:

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Come on everyone ..... put another record on.

This forum is about WildCamping. The clue is in the title. If it's gossip you want, watch Eastenders.

I'm sure that if you leave the subject alone then given time, we'll all start to see his little comments again.

As one member put..... He might be a twit (I personaly would have used an 'a' rather than 'i') but at the end of the day, he's our tw?t.
Can I just point out that the New Years gathering was a great success, this thread should not discourage anyone from meeting other members. The meets are more about meeting friends from the communiy than been about wild camping.

I have met CJ and Kimbowbill, CJ knows that he is a character and likes to be the centre of attention (and will say pretty much anything to stay there) and Jenny (kimbowbill) is lovely lady who is prepared to defend herself and others from those that abuse (even sometimes in jest).

I was at Farndon and CJ was "corrected" several times on his sexist, racist and general attitude by lots of people. Being around CJ can be comical but also very embarrassing. As Jen has said not everything that was said and done is common knowledge, and this is really something between them rather than being a forum issue.


I have been lurking on here for sometime having only just bought my first campervam (a Murvi Morello) in Novenber. Other than a couple of outings it is now laid up for the winter. Hopefully I will be contributing more to the forum next year.

I have been considering attending the April Meet to try and put faces to names. I have also been following the CJ saga with interest.

Phil - arn't you being a bit soft on CJ! He is obviously a character who you and others have a soft spot for, however you say that he was "corrected" several times on his sexist, racist and general attitude by lots of people at Farndon. This "correction" appears to have had little effect judging by the Ribblehead threads.

I have not met any of the protagonists in this affair however from my past experience of other forums, proven sexist and racist behaviour would lead to a member being banned. Unless CJ is prepared to respond and agree to try and address his offensive behaviour I feel you should remove him from the list!

Probably a bit presumptive for a newbi!!


I have been lurking on here for sometime having only just bought my first campervam (a Murvi Morello) in Novenber. Other than a couple of outings it is now laid up for the winter. Hopefully I will be contributing more to the forum next year.

I have been considering attending the April Meet to try and put faces to names. I have also been following the CJ saga with interest.

Phil - arn't you being a bit soft on CJ! He is obviously a character who you and others have a soft spot for, however you say that he was "corrected" several times on his sexist, racist and general attitude by lots of people at Farndon. This "correction" appears to have had little effect judging by the Ribblehead threads.

I have not met any of the protagonists in this affair however from my past experience of other forums, proven sexist and racist behaviour would lead to a member being banned. Unless CJ is prepared to respond and agree to try and address his offensive behaviour I feel you should remove him from the list!

Probably a bit presumptive for a newbi!!



There is always a high risk with Forum Politics and to ban someone from a site is to be taken with the upmost care.
I cannot believe to understand what went down @ the New Years meeting, but in some cases it's best left where it happened and with the people involved. Feathers I'm sure were ruffled, but it's a coversation that could lead to all out war with some and I for one would hate to see it on yet another forum.

If it was a public post on here, then yes maybe intervention should be carried out, but what happened at the meeting i'm sure some of the guys here wish it to stay where it took place? If CJ wishes to raise it as a topic, then that's up to him and the as it was previously put "Select People" involved to cross that bridge and only then can such a decision be made on anyone's membership be judged.

There's my thoughts on it.
Phil - arn't you being a bit soft on CJ! He is obviously a character who you and others have a soft spot for, however you say that he was "corrected" several times on his sexist, racist and general attitude by lots of people at Farndon. This "correction" appears to have had little effect judging by the Ribblehead threads.

None of this was on the forum, I cannot moderate people in real life (although sometimes it would be nice).

I think the important thing is intention, I do not think that CJ is a bad person and I do not believe that he intentionally tries to hurt anybody.
He is...... "Special"
I would also like to point out that although he has logged in, he has not read this thread (look at the bottom of the page).

I am not going to lock this thread, but can we leave it now please.

So lets move along, nothing to see here.
Only Admin can see the names Phil, we mortals can only see the number who have read the thread 144 lol..
Only Admin can see the names Phil, we mortals can only see the number who have read the thread 144 lol..

Yes we can't see it, but if we are supposed to, switch it on for the mortals, LOL. I can't see that it is contentious information.

Edit: Thankyou! Some good even came out of this thread!!
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