Internet access


Hi all, new to the site and motorhoming, heavily reliant on internet while travelling, for work purposes. Any suggestions for the fastest, most reliable means of accessing the Internet in most locations. Is there any particular equipment I can get or do I just use my vodafone usb dongle ? thanks
I use the 3 mobile dongle. It has very good coverage.

But... many nice camping areas are quite rural and coverage tends to be very patchy or non existent. I think this is true whatever system you use.

i also have a 3 dongle, using it now in oxford.
the only place i couldn't use it so far was 10 miles outside exeter in the middle of the hills.
great deal £79 for 12 months usage or 12gb
I use a Vodaphone K3565 at £15 for 1GB data and no expiry date. It's been in use for a year and I still have plenty of credit. It's good in a 3G area but painfully slow elsewhere.

TBH I've found the quickest, easiest and cheapest access is via my mobile phone.
I recently purchased the 3 dongle with12gb for one year. Haven't used it much as yet but so far seems very easy to use and reliable. Getting a signal in SW Wales was a bit tricky, but there again where in Wales isn't. Whilst in Minehead we 'Skyped' our son in Vancouver!! Saw and heard him OK. He saw us but audio kept breaking up. Not bad though - sitting in a field and contacting Canada.
I recently camped in the wilds of suffolk north of Stowmarket. No three signal there or any digital TV either. My TV set picks up analogue too so I could get that, watchable though not great. Only DAB station I could get was talk sport.

In the Forest of Dean, Three dongle signal again poor/non exisitent and ditto South Downs. But I'm posting off it now 3 miles from the A1 in North Herts and 5 bars with good speeds, receive about 400-500mbs.
It's very rare that I am unable to get on the internet with a Vodaphone dongle!! Really good! :)
Not quite what would suit you but Weatherspons have free internet access, the also do a bacon or sausage bap + coffee for £1.49 :eek: used the one in Ross on Wye a couple of times last week. You could probably pick it up outside but didn't try.
they are funny the Vodafone dongle as a friend has the same problem :confused:
We also use 3g its pretty good even in remote areas, get plenty of USB extention cables to position the dongle for the best signal...jack
I use a Vodaphone K3565 at £15 for 1GB data and no expiry date. It's been in use for a year and I still have plenty of credit. It's good in a 3G area but painfully slow elsewhere.

TBH I've found the quickest, easiest and cheapest access is via my mobile phone.
Me too, i have used others but i find vodaphone about the best.
I got the vodafone dongle on contract for business use two years ago and it was really good. I have found however that in the last year the service has got worse not better. Ive just cancelled my contract so not sure what pay as you go sim to get. Vodafone did offer me a half price 12 month contract at I think £6 per month for 3GB per month but for the amount of time I use it I think I will just get a PAYG sim. whats the best one to go for?

Outside of the UK I use a RepeatIT wifi antenna that brings in wifi from miles away. Brilliant and free.
I got the vodafone dongle on contract for business use two years ago and it was really good. I have found however that in the last year the service has got worse not better. Ive just cancelled my contract so not sure what pay as you go sim to get. Vodafone did offer me a half price 12 month contract at I think £6 per month for 3GB per month but for the amount of time I use it I think I will just get a PAYG sim. whats the best one to go for?

Outside of the UK I use a RepeatIT wifi antenna that brings in wifi from miles away. Brilliant and free.

Hi Barry hows it going.
Interesting about Vodafone, we've been having a few calls at work about people having issues with vodafone phones and dongles. As a massive corporate user we have alot of clout and can get the signal strength increased around our depots but its usually in remote locations that we need the power.
This old post ;).

If you are needing stability in very poor 3G areas and need to stream in europe, then it is worth looking at a Internet/Sat TV combo.
This is by far not the cheapest way to do things, but does give exeptional results, especially if you are using VOIP devices, plus it still handles sat tv use (but not both at the same time, as they use different satellite networks).
We have just completed an installation for a guy and his partner, whom both rely on remote accessing a server back in their UK office, but also use a VOIP phone system and so far are very pleased with the product. This doesn't include plenty of other customers with the Sat-Net, whom need to have constant access.
Pending on the airtime pack you choose, it can cost a reasonable amount. The most popular is the Nomadic Standard tarif, which is 100 days to be used within 2 years.
This kind of equipment can be D.I.Y fit (if you are okay with installing satellite equipment). PM me if you want more info.
A couple of useful links if needed; - This is the service provider.

The home of satellite, TV and solar solutions for the leisure industry - One of the few products available for TV & Internet use.
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Hi Barry hows it going.
Interesting about Vodafone, we've been having a few calls at work about people having issues with vodafone phones and dongles. As a massive corporate user we have alot of clout and can get the signal strength increased around our depots but its usually in remote locations that we need the power.

WAHAAY MARK!!! I thought you were dead! Glad to see you back, last I heard you had left and sold the van or did I dream that? Are any of the other old crew coming back as this site needs an injection of happiness? Look we are reduced to talking about each others dongles!
Internet access via satellite

As Nick from Vanbitz says, Internet access via satellite is an option and, for people who absolutely have to have access, no matter where they are, this is probably the best choice.

I can claim to have more experience of Internet via satellite systems for motorhome use than anyone else in the country and, having tried several systems, I reckon that we now have the most reliable and efficient models available. They are so reliable that we are also supplying them for professional use which we would never have dared to risk with the previous systems we tried.

We now have a new system which we can supply for around £2,000 installed. It also provides TV access and we are currently testing it out. If anyone wants to help us out with testing and get themselves a bargain, please get in touch.

Andy at RoadPro.
As Nick from Vanbitz says, Internet access via satellite is an option and, for people who absolutely have to have access, no matter where they are, this is probably the best choice.

I can claim to have more experience of Internet via satellite systems for motorhome use than anyone else in the country and, having tried several systems, I reckon that we now have the most reliable and efficient models available. They are so reliable that we are also supplying them for professional use which we would never have dared to risk with the previous systems we tried.

We now have a new system which we can supply for around £2,000 installed. It also provides TV access and we are currently testing it out. If anyone wants to help us out with testing and get themselves a bargain, please get in touch.

Andy at RoadPro.

Be interesting to see this product, Unless this is the unit you are reffering to?

RoadPro | D2133 | Semi Auto IPcoptor Internet / TV System

Seems alot of money for a semi-auto based dish that can only see one TV satellite network?
I started off with a 3 USB PAYG modem (can't use this anymore as haven't used it for over a year)and then went over to the Vodaphone K3565 dongle with no expiry time on it, however over on the west of the country in May I just couldn't get a signal on it.
So ended up 'treating myself' in Penrith to a 3 dongle as people on the campsite were able to get on line with 3.
Apparently Vodaphone don't offer the no time limit type service now.
Anyhow so far when one doesn't work tother one does but I think 3 has a stronger/larger coverage.

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