Inspectors at Public Enquiry Say No to Stonehenge Byway 12 TRO

I think this means you can't access Byway 12 from the A344 (W) which is a bit of a bummer. Will need to go via Larkhill (long uneven road) or make a possibly dangerous turn off the busy A303. May need to approach from A303 (W)
I think this means you can't access Byway 12 from the A344 (W) which is a bit of a bummer. Will need to go via Larkhill (long uneven road) or make a possibly dangerous turn off the busy A303. May need to approach from A303 (W)

- but we'll still have easy access until October 2013! :)
Sorry, Correct Me if I'm reading this wrong...(just got back in from debauched W/E in Bruges & H/Over!!)
Is this Official 'sour Grapes' 'cos the ruling went against closure of the Byways....?:confused:
Sorry, Correct Me if I'm reading this wrong...(just got back in from debauched W/E in Bruges & H/Over!!)
Is this Official 'sour Grapes' 'cos the ruling went against closure of the Byways....?:confused:

No, they were always going to close the A344. I just hadn't realised to what extent. From their point of view it is logical because it forces the majority of people to use the car park and not drive up to the stones for a free look... unless of course one know how to access the byway which most won't as it is more convoluted. A303 W is fine but A303 E is nasty right turn and Larkhill is a drive on the track for a fair way. OK for 4x4s I guess.
Larkhill = N of Woodhenge?
(Can't be bothered to get Map out from Van!!!!)
you hold up traffic long enough some one will let you cross that my answer just sit there until somebody let me across cause massive tail back the council will soon rethink or put in no right turn oops officer i missed the gear after being sat there half an hour lol
If I understand this correctly Stonehenge is surrounded by a large triangle of roads of which the byway cuts across and the closure is of the uppermost side of the triangle with only access to the heritage car park. Presumably the traffic that went past the stones now has to go the long way round the other two sides of the triangle?......i.e travel west to the roundabout on the A303 and then head north on the A360 before turning left again away from where the A344 is closed.
If I understand this correctly Stonehenge is surrounded by a large triangle of roads of which the byway cuts across and the closure is of the uppermost side of the triangle with only access to the heritage car park. Presumably the traffic that went past the stones now has to go the long way round the other two sides of the triangle?......i.e travel west to the roundabout on the A303 and then head north on the A360 before turning left again away from where the A344 is closed.

Correct, although the A303 runs at capacity already espec in holiday travel periods.

When closing the A344 the effect on the A303 was glibly dismissed by promises of making changes to roundabouts to "improve traffic flow". Well if a road is flowing at 100% already and you add more traffic to it, it will result in more chaos. Although the junction of the A344 with the A303 is not very good, and removing this will no doubt help traffic delays at Stonehenge bottom.
Or if it's very busy on the A303 you can go the A360 junction come back round and take a left turn

I would say that when the time comes, it is very important to do this because causing traffic chaos on the A303 will give the authorities the perfect excuse to seal access to the byway.

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