Important items to carry with you on your person.

In my youth my pockets had all sorts of junk in them from nuts and bolts to shot gun cartridges but one thing I always had was a 10mm spanner. Being into all things wheeled it came in very useful.
Nowadays it’s only my mobile.

Can't undo many nuts with a mobile!
Always amazes me that my carry on luggage doesn't come under more scrutiny when we fly. As I always carry in the bottom of my bag, two rolls of duck tape (one orange and one grey), a roll of electrical insulation tape (black). three different lengths of cable ties (Red, white and black) and a rolled up plastic carrier bag.
Sounds like a rape kit to me :ROFLMAO:
Always amazes me that my carry on luggage doesn't come under more scrutiny when we fly.

My medical bag (contains liquids and needles) is always thoroughly manually checked at departure.
It and my other carry on luggage always gets X-rayed at security on departure.

It is also sometimes X-rayed at arrival security.
On one occassion I was stopped going into Cuba because of the gun in my carry on!
They showed me the Xray image and sure enough there was a gun, clear as day.

They told me to slowly open the bag. With 3 customs officials; 2 Police men and a big guy in a suit all pointing their guns a me I did as I was told.
To reveal ... a set of door handles which I was taking in for my Godsons' parents.
All smiles (excecpt the big guy in the suit who looked disappointed that he wasn't allowed to shoot me) and hug and a fast track through the rest of the entry process..