i'm going to buy this, what do you all think?

Witwoooooo I love it !!!!......Its got bags of character :goodluck:
Buy a Transit van pickup and stick a caravan on the back of it ....... same effect, half the price!!
Jen....have you noticed where it is?....Brandon in Suffolk...If it's not Bruce who is selling it:lol-061: perhaps you can get him to nip round there and have a look for you.

Hi Kimbow

I looked at this on e-bay yesterday very nice but a bit strange, It's a cross dressing campervan. Don't you think it's way over priced all you need is to buy a vw pickup scrapper and a small touring caravan, a few u bolts and bingo a crossbread, then spend the rest of life laying under the vw
welding trying to keep:scared: the rust worm at bay.

happy camping Snowbirds

It looks really interesting, but knowing you, is there enough space in that for your rather large dogs :scared:
Funky, it certainly is different. I'd be concered about the reliability factor? :hammer:
Would you get Henry in that?
think bruce posted on here he did go and look at it his daughter ithink dont quote put him off it

quote bruce
"It is drop dead fanbloodytastic inside. and is in very good all round condition. Great for one person but unfortunately my daughter has put a block on it for me. she says there are too many old crocks around our place as it is. Can't think what she means except for the moggy and the spitfire "

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It may be in excellent condition...but I think it's an ugly looking camper.

I'm no Sherlock Holmes but I'm sure I can see two dead bodies in the layout photo's...creepy!
It is expensive, ugly, unreliable, horendously dear to repair and bloody awful to drive i would rather drive a reliant robin than that.

Just my thoughts !!!!

O and i have owned both models and they are all the same
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hi. its too expensive now .would have been ok for 3500quid.
they can be very reliable . i have taken vw t2 to africa 3 times . never missed a beat . spent most of my life with vw,s . treat them right and they just go on. biggest problem is no load capacity. easy to fix . cheap for bits . body panels still being made. in fact they still build them but now use vw polo motors in them.
but this one as gone too dear.
It is expensive, ugly, unreliable, horendously dear to repair and bloody awful to drive i would rather drive a reliant robin than that.

Just my thoughts !!!!

So which would you rather sleep in?

This has the makings of becoming a serious classic.

Ugly? (beauty/eye of beholder) Unreliable? (what isn't?) Dear to repair? (ditto) Awful to drive? (doubt it)

I saw something like this in a showroom recently, pristine condition - MEGA BUCKS !!
So which would you rather sleep in?

This has the makings of becoming a serious classic.

Ugly? (beauty/eye of beholder) Unreliable? (what isn't?) Dear to repair? (ditto) Awful to drive? (doubt it)

I saw something like this in a showroom recently, pristine condition - MEGA BUCKS !!

The Robin:idea:
have to say the 2000t25 was possibly the worst motor vw ever made . guzzled fuel and had a habit of wearing cam lobes . the 77-79 t2 2000 is a very good motor . i like the 1600cc single port engines as my favourite . but also like the dg and dj wasser boxers. mind we also specialized in fitting passat /golf engines in the vw camper range . ideal in the t25 watercooled . you could fit the pb 1800cc fuel injection motor . star chip it and get 80bhp at the rear wheels . faster than my 2.1 fi. i ran a pickup for a few years like it. but the t2 is a good old bus . just getting too expensive to buy.

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