Hi Channa, Nice to see you so active – I'm slowing down. But I think I remember quite a lot about this and the stuff will be on an old computer which I'll fire up this evening. I tried searching on my old posts and, interestingly, I came across this thread of yours.
This is what I remember of it – does it tally with your memory? This loophole didn't come from Mr Loophole; it came from some council in the Midlands, I think, who reacted to a complaint that Travellers were not being targetted where other motorists (including us) were.
The council, a bit stupid like they often are, said
well, they couldn't ticket Travellers because the Travellers had not entered into a contract with the council. Mr Loophole jumped on this and said that in that case all any motorist had to to was put a notice in the windscreen saying something like, “I'm not entering into a contract with the council – I'm parking illegally.”
And the council reacted angrily by saying that Mr Loophole wasn't being very helpful. But didn't deny that he was right.
He who should not ...etc had little beermat/tax-disc-like stickers printed with this sort of information on it but going further. Saying something like, “if you issue a PCN which you later lose on appeal then I will charge you a huge sum. You enter into an implied contract with me by issuing a PCN.”
I found the whole newspaper correspondence very funny and it was taken up by several newspapers which I should have copies of – or at least the URLs.
Incidentally, and only a little off-topic, I'm having a little ongoing correspondence with Conwy council just now – after Llandullas Beach was taken over by Travellers. I have told them I am a New Traveller and I demand the same recognition as any other Traveller. I'll try to write that up this evening too.
EDIT: I think this
How to legally avoid paying UK parking charges | Motorhome Full Time explains the history and wil save me firing up an old computer.