I can hear the howls of complaint from folks already

I think it’s a case of being seen by onlookers to be conscious of ‘Trying’ to do the right thing that brings LESS or unwanted attention to our lifestyle 🤷🏻‍♂️.
If you’re comfortable with your actions of lifestyle & decisions in disposing of ‘STUFF’ then hey, Sleep well 🤷🏻‍♂️
With my bucket it actually looks like I’m being responsible with my waste water also places like Rutland they actively encourage you to dump your grey water on the grass and not to fussed about filtering it as it feeds the wildlife.
I was once asked to fill single use bag with holes in the bottom and filled with grass to filter out the bits and let it drain on the grass
Like the straw idea. What do you do with it afterwards? Would cat litter work?
All my greasy plates etc get wiped over with kitchen roll before washing; stops greasy globules accumulating in pipes. Learnt the hard way years ago when my kids did some washing up when they stayed (yes miracles can happen!) and dyno rod had to be called after they left.
I already have the Liza, must have a bucket kicking around :D :D
And I've got the hole that would be a perfect fit. All we need now is Harry & Bella Fonté :rolleyes:. Probably not allowed to sing that song anymore ... Yet, the number of times it was played on 3 Way Family Favourites on Sunday lunchtimes 60+ years ago [plus 'Right, said Fred', 'Hello Mudda, Hello Fada', 'The Driving Instructor' & 'Introducing Tobacco to Civilisation' and 'The Gas Man Cometh', with 'Albert and the Lion' as first reserve ...] :D

And the dedication to Private Jim Smith from his adoring wife. 'Jim has been iserving n Cyprus for 2 years, but will be returning to England in 6 weeks to see his 4 months old baby for the first time' ... o_O

Nothing wrong with a bucket of straw or grass for filtering grey water. The original idea was a Tesco shopping bag, stuffed with grass, tied around the partly open waste outlet, a few small holes pierced in the bottom. At the end of the Camp, just tie the bag up, and chuck in the bin. Simples!
And I've got the hole that would be a perfect fit. All we need now is Harry & Bella Fonté :rolleyes:. Probably not allowed to sing that song anymore ... Yet, the number of times it was played on 3 Way Family Favourites on Sunday lunchtimes 60+ years ago [plus 'Right, said Fred', 'Hello Mudda, Hello Fada', 'The Driving Instructor' & 'Introducing Tobacco to Civilisation' and 'The Gas Man Cometh', with 'Albert and the Lion' as first reserve ...] :D

And the dedication to Private Jim Smith from his adoring wife. 'Jim has been iserving n Cyprus for 2 years, but will be returning to England in 6 weeks to see his 4 months old baby for the first time' ... o_O

Not sure about if it is okay or not to watch them but they are all on Youtube.

The group

The song



They are banned on CCC THSs and Meets. Too often they do contaminate a pitch in the middle of a field. On them you are normally told to empty your waste water round the edge of the field, if there is no grey water disposal point. The small animals who live in the hedges and field edges are happy to get any edible items.
Is that a new rule? Was on a DA weekend meet a couple of years ago and all the caravans had long hoses from their waste water outlets going into 2 litre pop bottles with holes in and full of grass to catch the bits.

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