How to fuel up being disabled


Full Member
As most of you know at the moment I'm a little legless!
I'm trying to get back on the road, I don't mind having to crawl unceremoniously into my van or anything else. If I can I will....!
My problem is once I'm in van now I've had hand controls the hell do I put fuel in?
I have googled my problem and found certain apps, but my observation is most garages are singled manned, surely they are not going to leave the till to come and fill my van up for me.
And I would imagine the garages on the app are limited which would limit my travel also.
I have yet to put any of these apps to the test.....
But I would appreciate anybody else's experience in a similar situation.
Great to hear you sue

Up here I’ve notice a few she’ll garages have an attendant offering to put your fuel in ,sos can’t help but might be worth sending emails to petrol suppliers explaining your situ sue
Hope you are on the mend ,good luck mrs 👍
I know you need to be able to sort but realistically you'll probably be travelling with someone won't you? I'm sure garages would be willing to help when you're on your own but would it mean sitting there and blowing your horn to get their attention?
Like most people on this site, I think thay are very helpful, and if you went into petrol station, and with your great smile and asked someone, thay would fill it up, :eek: :goodluck:
i am sure there is legislation in place so that fuel stations have to provide a service for the disabled. If they have to lock other customers out of the office/pay station while they fill your vehicle... that is not your concern - they cannot discriminate against the disabled. Some garages have signs saying "disabled service available 10-4.00pm" or something similar. it is just a matter of researching locally in advance. Go get em !!!!!
Like Carol says most of the time you are with someone who can help so it’s just your initial fill up when you set off find a local garage who will get used to you going for a fill up as you set off then us guys can help where we can and it’s only until you get your leg sorted in the mean time practice with that new crutch you bought st least if you get absolutely stuck you may be able to manage by using it.
good to see a post from you sue........i have often asked for help with putting petrol in....either another customer has put petrol in for me then informed the staff that i need to pay, orthey have gone in to ask staff to help........there is always some good person willing to help...

even at the local tesco garage convenience store they are more than willing to carry the shopping out to the car for me....

anyway sue good luck hope your collarbone is ok take care..trixie
just one thing sue it might be a slight inconvenience to you pay for fuel with cash as the machines wont stretch that far asda cribbs i have to get out as machine wont stretch up to the window and you dont want to give you pin out to any body ok you have swipe card but that is only 30 quid i believe
Hi Sue!

I would suggest trying to phone ahead just to make sure there is someone ready to help you when you get there. There are always times when staff are on breaks/dealing with deliveries etc and checking you're missing this will mean you're in and out easily :)
hi sue. was in a shell garage:camper: today and asked the question. thay said not a problem but if only one person on. thay ask them to phone before and thay close the garage. to be able to assist i like that. now, get out and about
Hi Sue,

When my Dad was still driving, they always fuelled up for him at Morrison's. Start by getting yorself known at all your local filling stations. Is there a sticker about that let's attendants know you need some assistance?
It's great to hear that you're out and about, Sue! I look forward to seeing you soon.
I checked in a couple of petrol stations and they both said no problem. Just sound the horn and they'll be out. If you're left waiting please phone from the forecourt!

Colin 😊😊😊
Interesting thread, and highlights an example of disability I hadn't thought of.

I would like to think people will help

I expect paying for the fuel will be then bigger problem.

Having a large sign in the windscreen, saying disabled need help maybe ?
I expect paying for the fuel will be then bigger problem.

Having a large sign in the windscreen, saying disabled need help maybe ?

Knowing Sue the way we do, I imagine she's more likely to wave her leg out of the window.
She's that kind of girl.

Colin :):):)
There is no legislation that garages have to provide anything different for disabled drivers than anyone else. As a few have posted Shell garages do have a scheme but its not 100% and a call ahead of use if best option with them.

There was a company based in Bakewell who rolled out a scheme and I am trying to find if they are still in business but in th meantime have a look here: Help getting petrol

Paying for it is the bigger problem as you may be giving a stranger your debit/credit card so you dont want to just ask a passer by :)

And Sainsburys:
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