How many nights do you wildcamp?


I'm on night number three tonight and thinking I should be heading for a campsite tomorrow. Filling up with fresh water, cleaning the toilet cassette properly, maybe do some washing if the weather holds out. How about you?

How are you Droader have you calmed down.

Yes it is good to freshen up every few days but not everyone does.
at the moment hardly at all for various reasons,but when we're in the van,every night and no campsites,i just can't. clothes are washed in the river and hung on bushes and theres other places to get when you live somewhere hot you wear less clothes
hi come november off to spain ,portugal and morocco .usually go all the way to end of april .never use sites at all.
water is available almost in every village . there is always some where to tip waste . washing as already been said stream /river or use the washing machine on board . cant see the need for going on a site.
Hi DRoader - I dont have any kind of van... I am too busy trying to make a living and run my own business. I dont have time.

(sorry to anybody that has not read his previous posts)

If I did - I could probably go without washing for a few days - baby wipes are the future:D
Do what you need to do when you need to do it, extend those intervals as far as possible, it's not hard...
Hi DRoader - I dont have any kind of van... I am too busy trying to make a living and run my own business. I dont have time.

(sorry to anybody that has not read his previous posts)

If I did - I could probably go without washing for a few days - baby wipes are the future:D

hmm bathsheet size baby wipes for wildcampers,there's your next opportunity,send me a monthly royalty cheque ta
Hi vwalan

I agree it's much easier to camp abroad, the weather the welcoming of visitors and the ease of living all make for an agreeable lifestyle. However I'm in the UK now and wondering if I can make it work over here. Maybe maybe not :cool:

hi come november off to spain ,portugal and morocco .usually go all the way to end of april .never use sites at all.
water is available almost in every village . there is always some where to tip waste . washing as already been said stream /river or use the washing machine on board . cant see the need for going on a site.
i lived in a one and a half decker for 10 years in england with 4 kids.its all about interreaction
Do what you need to do when you need to do it, extend those intervals as far as possible, it's not hard...

Thank you I know you're right. It's about me getting my head around it and I do need to :cool:
well theres thousands in uk doing it right now. you can always find a wild camp . just about anywhere. if you feel its getting you down strip washing then pay a visit to a local swimming baths .shower then swim then shower etc and not very expensive usually. the winter here is the hard bit . not enough sun to keep the solar up. and the cold . last winter was the first winter i have stayed in uk for years . .been a good reminder of why its best to leave . but in summer its ok. the busier the town the easier it is to wild in it. street parking is the way sometimes . i find a quiet industrial estate works as well. if the winter could be as dry and warm as spain .i wouldnt leave here anymore . i think its easier and cheaper to stay here. and getting cheaper all the time. except drinks and diesel. i dont smoke so that doesent bother me.but uk is easy for wilding .
i'm feeling a bit mellow i'll share this,england is the most paranoid country i've lived in.when you stop somewhere talk to someone,in passing the time of day let them know your version of who you are what youre up to,they'll spread kind ,people need reassurance and are grateful for it.if you can get this mindset you'll find no problems.luck
well said .a few words reassures the locals . they very often are inquisative /jealous in a nice way..but share a few minutes with them and they can be the most helpfull people you have met. they have a weird idea you arent normal, just let them know you dont eat children and animals /pets and off you go. if you need water just knock a door ask for twenty litres , they always say yes . then they say come back if you want more tomorrow. but dont be greedy . uk can be a real good place.
now its started this is a very important thread.when i was new to all this i broke down in a remote village in spain,took me a few days to sort out,but local women were coming out with CHAIRS to watch the foreign goings first i wanted to tell them to piss off but then i realised we were the most interesting thing happening,and thought,i'd look too!human curiosity,just got to be satisfied,and thats ok.if someone leaves their curtains open at night,who doesn't look in?we're fascinated by other people and so,from a survival point of view,we should realise that and give the curious locals a glimpse and they'll accept you into their community.i've proved this time and again
I camp every night wild in the context of this site...last time on an organised site december

sometimes think it would be ok to charge for guided tours of my trailer. after all the lords and ladies do for a look in their property.
but one of the best is always be nice to their dogs or children. dont offer sweets but if they are looking just be nice. .if in spain or morocco always have some dog food .the local so called wold dogs make really good guard dogs.
We last at least three nights then usually head for a CL for a night to empty and fill. It's amazing how mad you can go with unlimited water!!
now its started this is a very important thread.when i was new to all this i broke down in a remote village in spain,took me a few days to sort out,but local women were coming out with CHAIRS to watch the foreign goings first i wanted to tell them to piss off but then i realised we were the most interesting thing happening,and thought,i'd look too!human curiosity,just got to be satisfied,and thats ok.if someone leaves their curtains open at night,who doesn't look in?we're fascinated by other people and so,from a survival point of view,we should realise that and give the curious locals a glimpse and they'll accept you into their community.i've proved this time and again

When i started on my travel i found a small village in Spain were i found the locals friendly so i stayed a little while and had a good look round now this small village is a large town but if you ever come here take care some understand English and some know some naughty words were they picked these up from heaven knows.
sometimes think it would be ok to charge for guided tours of my trailer. after all the lords and ladies do for a look in their property.
but one of the best is always be nice to their dogs or children. dont offer sweets but if they are looking just be nice. .if in spain or morocco always have some dog food .the local so called wold dogs make really good guard dogs.

sometimes i've been parked up and you'd get these groups of little old ladies all in black showing a keen interest in the van and us and i'd invite them in for a good nose,never had to ask twice they're in like flynn!i had 8 in once looking in the bog and in the oven,lots of oohhs,then they all line up to shake your hand and say ta,really sweet

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