How do all members here have your appliances powered when camping outdoors?

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Many many thanks for all shared ideas. Our company offers suitcase petrol geneators with inverter technology supplying mobile reliable&clean power source for wild camping enthusiasts, as all know, power from inverter is ideal for sensitive appliances or battery charging directly. "Firefox" should have a well knowledge of power for appliances, petrol generators exactly do perfect job especially when powering high wattage stuffs. we currently want to entre UK market to serve broader campers, any suggestions will really appreciate?

Thank you to all once agian

Haha, well I just bought a petrol generator - Honda EU10i :lol-053:

I don't see myself using it that much though. Maybe in emergencies or the colder nights at stonehenge for a quick burst to warm up the van. Most of my stuff is low wattage inc 3W LED lighting and my self build is very well insulated so even boiling the kettle a couple of times raises the temp to a comfortable 15 degrees when it is not far off freezing outside. For the wilder who likes their home comforts however, like microwave, hairdryer or larger screen TV and sound system or air con, a good generator would be top of their list.

I'm impressed with the Honda EU10i in terms of weight and size. It is more noisy than I thought standing right over it, but get the stated 7m away and the noise really drops off quick to no more than a muted background conversation.
Don't be envious, get motivated

beaumonta....i envy you. :goodluck:

There are lots of empty roads out there. It doesn't take a fortune, just a bit of willpower to do it.

You only have one life - live it.

There is plenty of time for regret later, at least you'll have the memories.

George Osbourn will only steal your money anyway...
hi. althoughiactually have loads of leccy i like to use gas lights . gives a nice feel in the trailer.usually have one either side on the walls lite. gives light heat and keeps midges and flies away they dont like the gas. cant beat the ambionce of gas lights . the mantles do break sometimes but considering where i take the truck its not suprising.lots of my friends are now fitting gas lights as well.

i remember gaslights,like you say heat as well as light and a comforting were always breaking mantles and shades,we used to make shades out of french jamjars,tie a bit of string round the bottom,pour a little meths on it and set fire,as the flame dies stick it in cold water and the bottom comes off,make the lid into the shield,job done. also used to tie camping gaz mantles to the ceramic bit of the old one,not great but worked.all a lot posher now this wild camping
When we exchanged our old Devon Sahara for our nice new Lunar Pinnacle, the first thing we noticed was how much warmer it was due to the insulation and double floor. This all helps to conserve heating, especially since we enjoy using the motorhome in the winter,

We had a large solar panel put on the roof of the m'home, which allows us to stay self sufficient for at least 2 weeks (the longest we've managed to stay away so far - work unfortunately gets in the way). Fridge, cooker and heating/hot water all run from gas. We replaced all the halogen bulbs with LEDs. We have a LCD TV, but don't use it much, instead listen to audio books via an iPod, so keep the use of leccy down to a minimum. Don't even have a hair drier and as for air-con, why would you need this in the UK?
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