How do all members here have your appliances powered when camping outdoors?

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Hi all, I have been wondering how to have appliances(ari con, refrigerator,hair drier etc) powered when camping outdoors? helpful advice welcome please, thanks in advance!

High powered stuff like air con, fridges, hair dryer, microwaves, and elec heaters you can only run when hooked up to 240v on a site or at home. Or you can run off a petrol generator. Low power stuff like LCD TV, small laptop, lights, phone charger you can run off leisure batteries. Solar panels are only useful for slowly restoring charge to leisure batteries not for running stuff.

Some fridges and heaters can be run off gas.
When wilding the only thing that the wife insists on is a new cartridge for her "Gas" hair tongs.

The fridge and all the other stuff has to work on Gas.

Air Con is on roof, but only 240v, used in France / Spain (sometimes in UK) but only when on a commercial site
Hi all, I have been wondering how to have appliances(ari con, refrigerator,hair drier etc) powered when camping outdoors? helpful advice welcome please, thanks in advance!


Don't listen to the rest on here. You just plug them into a currant bush.:lol-053:
Best just to tell her how much nicer her hair looks when she has not used the Hair Dryer, Curling Tongs, Straightners etc on it for a couple of days. Propane in winter and Butane in summer for cooking and hot water. We may well change to Propane full time. I just like having too different systems, so one is a backup. Got a solar shower (black plastic bag thing) for washing which works well in sunny weather but has not had much use:). Fridge runs of a leisure battery and if we have the tv on it plugs via a voltage regulator into cig lighter. Laptop is charged while we drive but sometimes use an inverter for it. We only have heating when on mains.

The point is often missed that those of us who are full-time motorhomers are actually living permanently in their mobile house and so it should be no surprise to find that they expect to enjoy a normal lifestyle as far as life's little (and big) luxuries go - and that needs to apply no matter where they are at any particular time.
To that end, some of us put a few extra panels on the roof and a few extra Ah of battery storage down below and install a big inverter so we CAN operate airconditioners, toasters, bread makers, hair dryers, washing machines AND airconditioners - perhaps not all at the same time, or perhaps with some appliances, not for more than a couple of hours, but we can use them.
Yes, setting up a large solar system IS expensive - several thousand dollars - but so are campground fees and if you do the sums, you find that the payback period for solar and free-camping rather than campgrounds with hookups is surprisingly short.

However, for the normal medium size motorhome or smaller, there just isn't enough roof area to mount the panels or load capacity to fit the batteries - or in the case of some unfortunates, enough sun to power anything much at all - so their choices are much more limited. Do without the power-gobblers, use normal campgrounds every second day, or annoy the neighbours and fire up the generator. Those not full-timing could rarely justify the huge outlay to go fully solar so they may need to accept some pretty severe compromises in what comforts they can take with them during vacations.
hi as been said solar works . these days its never been cheaper to buy it. there as been a supplier in germany .now another in france .99quid for an 80wt panel. look ob ebay ..270878204347...get a reg cheap on ebay while you are there. all depeds on your carrying capacity etc . i have 6x80wt and 800amp of batteries works washing machine .240v fridge etc . but as tony says ideal i normally go away for 65-6 months . never use campsites so like a happy life. horses courses, comes a to mind. but they are alot cheaper than they were. possibly a quarter of the price.
Best just to tell her how much nicer her hair looks when she has not used the Hair Dryer, Curling Tongs, Straightners etc on it for a couple of days. Propane in winter and Butane in summer for cooking and hot water. We may well change to Propane full time. I just like having too different systems, so one is a backup. Got a solar shower (black plastic bag thing) for washing which works well in sunny weather but has not had much use:). Fridge runs of a leisure battery and if we have the tv on it plugs via a voltage regulator into cig lighter. Laptop is charged while we drive but sometimes use an inverter for it. We only have heating when on mains.


how do ya know the hair dryer is for her, eh? eh? lol,
Many many thanks for all shared ideas. Our company offers suitcase petrol geneators with inverter technology supplying mobile reliable&clean power source for wild camping enthusiasts, as all know, power from inverter is ideal for sensitive appliances or battery charging directly. "Firefox" should have a well knowledge of power for appliances, petrol generators exactly do perfect job especially when powering high wattage stuffs. we currently want to entre UK market to serve broader campers, any suggestions will really appreciate?

Thank you to all once agian
:scared: hi there steven,the best best way to enter the market would be to send me a 2kw model to promote for you!! that way interested parties get to see them work and i could explain to them about the item and also your company. easy really.
When we're "wilding" we don't bother with tv or charging the mobiles (after all, we're trying to get away from it all) I don't bother with the hairdryer & hubby doesn't have any hair!!!

We run our heating (if needed) off the gas, along with the fridge & the cooker. The Gas also heats our hot water which allows us to wash up & shower.

As for lighting, we tend to use candles in the evening, saves using the leisure battery & it's quite romantic!!! lol
:scared: hi there steven,the best best way to enter the market would be to send me a 2kw model to promote for you!! that way interested parties get to see them work and i could explain to them about the item and also your company. easy really.

Hi steven
i have bought a couple of I tec items fron china and sorry to say they were both crap .
so as arthur as said send him a 2kw model to test and then we can go from there
hi. althoughiactually have loads of leccy i like to use gas lights . gives a nice feel in the trailer.usually have one either side on the walls lite. gives light heat and keeps midges and flies away they dont like the gas. cant beat the ambionce of gas lights . the mantles do break sometimes but considering where i take the truck its not suprising.lots of my friends are now fitting gas lights as well.
Many many thanks for all shared ideas. Our company offers suitcase petrol geneators with inverter technology supplying mobile reliable&clean power source for wild camping enthusiasts, as all know, power from inverter is ideal for sensitive appliances or battery charging directly. "Firefox" should have a well knowledge of power for appliances, petrol generators exactly do perfect job especially when powering high wattage stuffs. we currently want to entre UK market to serve broader campers, any suggestions will really appreciate?

Thank you to all once agian

Put me on the list to test a 2kw model Steven please!

Solar for the summer, gas for the winter...

When exchanging a house for mobile living, I exchange some of the comforts of living in a house for the freedom to come and go as I please.

There are some comforts that I can indulge myself in occasionally, such as television and satellite TV which I reserve for periods when I am stationary on a site with 240 volt power pouring in through the side of the van.

When I am wild camping (most of the rest of the time), I go where the comforts of modern living are few and far between. However, this has the advantage that most of the people who are bound to the necessities of modern living stay away from, so we are mutually separated.

I have 4 solar panels mounted on the roof of my small motor home which is an AutoSleeper Executive (1999 - 2496cc diesel - Peugeot Boxer 320), since I am on my own, it is more than sufficient for my needs. Between them the solar panels and leisure batteries will give me several days worth of existence without the need to connect up. That is sufficient for my need - I will be heading round France, Portugal, Spain, Gibraltar, France, Italy, Sicily and back over the summer months.

Given that we will have plenty of sunshine during that time, I expect to be able to run my laptop and dodgy wireless receiver for a few hours a day, so that I can keep in contact with the world outside. Not sure what more I need really.
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