hot water pressure

  • Thread starter Deleted member 775
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Deleted member 775

the water pressure for my cold water is great but when i use the hot water the pump seems to run real slow and i only have very low water flow the water heater is a morco sh 80 storage heater cheers
iv asked dave & he seems to think the pump is knackered mate...but hey we are not experts......;)
cheers the pump is prob 25 yers old so it may well be a bit tired just it is ok on the cold side just wonderd if mabey the hot water boiler was resticted with lime scale after all these years
mandrake said:
the water pressure for my cold water is great but when i use the hot water the pump seems to run real slow and i only have very low water flow the water heater is a morco sh 80 storage heater cheers

If there good pressure on the cold ,the pump is probably ok
the water takes time to heat in some types of heaters
hence it slows down while doing so like combi house boilers
or it could be a limescale ingress in the heater matrix
merlin wanderer said:
If there good pressure on the cold ,the pump is probably ok
the water takes time to heat in some types of heaters
hence it slows down while doing so like combi house boilers
or it could be a limescale ingress in the heater matrix
iam thinking on the limescale side just wondered if any one knows of anything i can put in to clear it idont think a calgone tab will make the tea taste good ha ha
You could try a Descaling Solution, as you dont drink the water from your hot water system, just the cold.
The water from your boiler should just be used for washing up or the shower i would have thought.
Water taps

Running my water from the kitchen tap is fine. When I run the water in the bathroom it is okay for a few seconds, then trickles out. I have to run the kitchen sink tap again, then go back to the bathroom for it to work again, but runs out again. Have to do this constantly. Any ideas why this happens?
thinking about it (this is not going to be of any help by the way) hot water should come out quicker because when it heats it causes pressure but saying that i run clorifier in the t4 so it always has a tank of hot water whilst driving so will build pressure and help it out of the taps sorry
Biker Jeff said:
You could try a Descaling Solution, as you dont drink the water from your hot water system, just the cold.
The water from your boiler should just be used for washing up or the shower i would have thought.
cheers the only trouble with putting a descaler in is the hot water supply comes from the water tank under the van the same water we use use to drink if i had seperate tanks for drinking and hot water this would be ok unless i can find some product that after i have descaled i can fully clean the system out
jiffers said:
thinking about it (this is not going to be of any help by the way) hot water should come out quicker because when it heats it causes pressure but saying that i run clorifier in the t4 so it always has a tank of hot water whilst driving so will build pressure and help it out of the taps sorry
no dont be sorry we are all hear to talk and help cheers
David & Ann said:
Running my water from the kitchen tap is fine. When I run the water in the bathroom it is okay for a few seconds, then trickles out. I have to run the kitchen sink tap again, then go back to the bathroom for it to work again, but runs out again. Have to do this constantly. Any ideas why this happens?
you prob sound somthing similer to mine when i turn the hot water tap on you hear the pump start up ok then a second or so later slows down as if the flow is restricted
mandrake said:
you prob sound somthing similer to mine when i turn the hot water tap on you hear the pump start up ok then a second or so later slows down as if the flow is restricted
can you not remove the boiloer and descale it then?
walkers said:
can you not remove the boiloer and descale it then?
more than likely that is going to be the only cure a winter project i think if all else fails will look round for a replacement cheers
mandrake said:
more than likely that is going to be the only cure a winter project i think if all else fails will look round for a replacement cheers
just a thought but have you checked for trapped pipe work or for any kinks as that could cause the same problem
David & Ann said:
Running my water from the kitchen tap is fine. When I run the water in the bathroom it is okay for a few seconds, then trickles out. I have to run the kitchen sink tap again, then go back to the bathroom for it to work again, but runs out again. Have to do this constantly. Any ideas why this happens?
if this is on the m/home i presume it is then i think maybe the switch built in to your bathroom tap may be faulty
Water Pressure

The funny thing is my tap runs perfectly in the kitchen. It is the only the tap in the bathroom that runs out. I have to run the tap in the kitchen to keep the bathroom tap flowing. I have tested the pump, it is perfect. Walkers suggestion that it could be the switch built into the tap that could be the problem. Could it be the switch in the bathroom tap has had it? Can someone take it from there. I ain't no plumber.
David & Ann said:
The funny thing is my tap runs perfectly in the kitchen. It is the only the tap in the bathroom that runs out. I have to run the tap in the kitchen to keep the bathroom tap flowing. I have tested the pump, it is perfect. Walkers suggestion that it could be the switch built into the tap that could be the problem. Could it be the switch in the bathroom tap has had it? Can someone take it from there. I ain't no plumber.
i went to the guy i got the van from he said it is most likely the micro switch on the hot tap at fault only trouble is the dam thing looks a sod to get at will give it a go this weekend if i have any luck will post results cheers
mandrake said:
i went to the guy i got the van from he said it is most likely the micro switch on the hot tap at fault only trouble is the dam thing looks a sod to get at will give it a go this weekend if i have any luck will post results cheers
i'm thinking it may be easier to find a replacemant tap don't know where to look for secondhand ones though
David & Ann said:
The funny thing is my tap runs perfectly in the kitchen. It is the only the tap in the bathroom that runs out. I have to run the tap in the kitchen to keep the bathroom tap flowing. I have tested the pump, it is perfect. Walkers suggestion that it could be the switch built into the tap that could be the problem. Could it be the switch in the bathroom tap has had it? Can someone take it from there. I ain't no plumber.
i would think if the pump works ok with the kitchen tap on then that is your problem never had one out so don't know how easy/difficult or even if it is possible to repair
mandrake said:
i went to the guy i got the van from he said it is most likely the micro switch on the hot tap at fault only trouble is the dam thing looks a sod to get at will give it a go this weekend if i have any luck will post results cheers

MICROSWITCH. my god, do they still make them. for an outlay of around £70, which is about twice the price of a replacement tap but you only replace once instead of many microswitches over time, you can replace your old pump with a shiny new one with the pressure switch built-in so doing away with the dinosaur microswitches on all the taps.
the AQUA 8 pump is so easy to fit and the wiring is simple logic + you will get more pressure to the shower.
if you go this route and need help just private message me and i will tell you how to wire it.
as a test try turning on another cold tap just enough to get the pump working without too much pressure loss then, at the same time try a different hot tap, if water dont flow from the hot it aint the microswitch cos the pump is already running off the cold tap.

ps. just re-read your post and you can forget the test as it works with the kitchen tap on so it is your microswitch. you're just using residual pressure in the pipeline in the bathroom.
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