help with name

Rhia Wheeler

Rhia meaning and name origin

Rhia \r-
hia\ as a girl's name is a variant of Rhea (Greek), and the meaning of Rhia is "flowing".
I love Abigail Charlotte - but that's probably because she is my delightful 2 year old grand-daughter :idea:
I have a granddaughter called Carys, it's Welsh and means love or something like that. Her sister is Ffion, which I don't like at all, that means foxglove. Faith and Grace are pretty names. She will be a blessing whatever her name.
My girl didn't have a name for the first three weeks of her life....she was referred to as "it". My other half and I just could not agree on a name...Oh the rows we had!
So one morning we were listening to the radio and we both agreed in desperation that the next girl's name to get mentioned would be it....that's what we would call her. Then the announcer said " this is the BBC news at nine o'clock, read by Harriet Cass.....I liked Harriet, she liked Cass...but as we'd said it would be the first name... Harriet it was.
Just don't stitch her up with something bizarre... like LaTrine. Yes really. Some one did.
I like Harriet and Carys.
Zoe Wheeler goes, too.

Don't like weird made up names like Pixie or Kitten--would you really want your lawyer or surgeon to be called Kitten????
We named our youngest Chantelle and even now, 25 years later we still love that name and thankfully she loves it too. Most of her friends and family have shortened it to Channie - but even the shortened version we like. :)

I think if a little girl is given a really pretty, sweet and girly name (not too outrageous) then you can't go far wrong as most females like pretty and feminine names and fingers crossed; she wont end up wishing her mummy and daddy had chosen something else.

Wish your daughter good luck with the name hunting and tell her that it sometimes pays to wait until the baby arrives before making a final decision. Very often when the proud mummy and daddy hold their long awaited and precious bundle of joy in their arms and gaze adoringly down into their little face, the perfect name for their little cherub immediately springs to mind.

Keep us posted of the final outcome.

We named our youngest Chantelle and even now, 25 years later we still love that name and thankfully she loves it too. Most of her friends and family have shortened it to Channie - but even the shortened version we like. :)

I think if a little girl is given a really pretty, sweet and girly name (not too outrageous) then you can't go far wrong as most females like pretty and feminine names and fingers crossed; she wont end up wishing her mummy and daddy had chosen something else.

Wish your daughter good luck with the name hunting and tell her that it sometimes pays to wait until the baby arrives before making a final decision. Very often when the proud mummy and daddy hold their long awaited and precious bundle of joy in their arms and gaze adoringly down into their little face, the perfect name for their little cherub immediately springs to mind.

Keep us posted of the final outcome.


Poppy Jay was No 1 fave for weeks, then it went to Isla, then back to Poppy Jay, then Edie, then back to Isla, now we are on Eaden (eden) not sure how its spelt, just reminds me of the eden project, lol, so keep the names coming please, we have until Feb, the other GDaughters are Amber, Ellisa May and Ella May
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Abagail Wheeler, Adanna Wheeler, Adrienne Wheeler, Ailse/a Wheeler, Alandra Wheeler, my favourite - Eleyna Wheeler,
Abagail Wheeler, Adanna Wheeler, Adrienne Wheeler, Ailse/a Wheeler, Alandra Wheeler, my favourite - Eleyna Wheeler,

ooooooo i like Eleyna but its too much like Ella. like Adanna too, good names there, thanks xx
I was still absent when this thread came about so firstly good luck ..

In respect of a name I think something relating to your ancestry would be really nice. I think you know where I am coming from


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