Well the inevitable happened. This morning just before we went out I got a W18H error code on the control panel. I googled it and it seems its a possible blockage of the vents. Presumably the blown air vents in the van but they were all fine. What alerted me to it was the boiler fan suddenly turning up high. We usually have it on eco which is quiet. So I turned the heating off and water off and the fan was still going and ran for about three or four minutes before shutting down.
So we went out of for the day with everything left off. Got back just now and tried the heating and hot water. Immediately I got an error code E89 which on googling sounds more serious.
I then found this thread. Bloody hell. Sounds like loads of people have had a nightmare with this combi boiler.
We have recently suffered a fault with our boiler whilst on holiday.
So just now after reading what someone had said in the thread I set the electric to electric 1. Then I turned on the heating and it clicked on. Then I turned on the water to 40c. So I wondered is one of the elements working and one isnt. So then I turned it onto electric 2 which presumably is more power. Ten minutes later its still working. WTF?
No idea whats going on but Ive lost confidence in it now. Any thoughts?