
less than 24hrs

at last off to pick the van up in morning
one way hire car organised...check
everything loaded in hire car...check
wallet an documents...check
the missus...check
whooooooppy.....1 more sleep
Great looking van.
I hope you have many years of happy camping :banana:
oh man oh man oh man is this good or what ....sittin ..more like lounging in morrisons car park glastonbury waitin for the wacky shops to open tomorrow fpr our lass to browse round then off to stonehenge for the night........... had a bit of trouble with the electrics .....kept trippin on leasure batts but would run off vehicle battery got everything up to speed and swapped back to leasure batts and all is fine fridge leds night heater pumps water heater all work as they should do....very strange just tryed shower wish the one at home was as good
oh man
much love
lost in woods

IMG_0064 reg.jpg
if you go down in the woods at the new forest .....

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