happy thread anyone?.....


Hi Everyone,

Came on here tonight, read some posts and to be honest I feeled drained:scared: (and yes its up to me which posts I read:blah:)

Its all got a bit too much!! Everyone is just arguing nastily all the time... Im up for a debate and everyone is entitled to thier opinion, which is all fine but don't take it personally, just have a debate - we all have our own opinions!!

So.... leaving all that behind......what made you smile today;)

Mine was.....

My ponies:I only have to drive down the lane and as soon as they hear my car they neigh and come running over - oh the love!!:lol-053:

That's what made me smile today... how about you??
I've started a happy thread for you. See 'Potential New Member'.
Hello happy person!

I helped my friend move into her temporary accommodation after she flooded her flat with her washing machine (over 2 years - dozy sod).
Under normal circimstances such a task would've been quite stressful, especially dragging 2 moaning, tired kids along with us. But, we kept our peckers up and had a good old laugh, chippy tea and a couple of beers.
Job done.
Happy with a good days work.

Sorry but it didnt make me smile...because, ONE - I hate (sorry dislike) the Daily Mail and TWO I dont like the way the article is written:sad:

I do like what they have done with the bus though!:lol-053:
Hello happy person!

I helped my friend move into her temporary accommodation after she flooded her flat with her washing machine (over 2 years - dozy sod).
Under normal circimstances such a task would've been quite stressful, especially dragging 2 moaning, tired kids along with us. But, we kept our peckers up and had a good old laugh, chippy tea and a couple of beers.
Job done.
Happy with a good days work.


Well done you!! - It does feel good when you help someone:)

Chippy tea and a few beers sounds good too!:lol-053:
I'm happy ... The weather forecast is great for our first trip in our camper on the 7th.
I dunno what it is about animals but there are Donkeys and Goats at the bottom of our garden in a paddock (Not ours) they make me laugh because they are downright odd!

Also there is a field with horses opposite our lounge window and when you see them looking over the fence at you, you cannot help but smile, especially when my grandson talks to them and feeds them 'cayotts'.
I dunno what it is about animals but there are Donkeys and Goats at the bottom of our garden in a paddock (Not ours) they make me laugh because they are downright odd!

Also there is a field with horses opposite our lounge window and when you see them looking over the fence at you, you cannot help but smile, especially when my grandson talks to them and feeds them 'cayotts'.

soooo cute:dance:

I wish I had a house with land for my ponies to look at me over the fence - maybe one day:idea:
Unfortunately it's not my land Rach! But it's a nice place to live
Sorry but it didnt make me smile...because, ONE - I hate (sorry dislike) the Daily Mail and TWO I dont like the way the article is written:sad:

I do like what they have done with the bus though!:lol-053:

I have to agree - especially the condescending bit about it EVEN having a cooker and running water!

Back on track - what makes me happy at the moment are my delightful grandchildren. Oh the joy of being an innocent 8 or 3 year old! When we retired and the children had all set off on their own lives with their own partners I would have been quite happy to spend most of my time travelling around the world but acquiring grandchildren has anchored me to England more than I ever thought possible. We still travel a lot but there is no greater joy than being prodded by a three year old at six o'clock in the morning and being asked if you are awake yet because they want to play! :lol-053:
I'm happy ... The weather forecast is great for our first trip in our camper on the 7th.

Hi Jonas

I hope it stays fine for you - fingers crossed:goodluck:

Where are you going??

(thanks for looking at the blod btw:))

:have fun:
Have to agree with john H - grandchildren are such a joy. Called in to see daughter at 8.30 - 4yr old heard my voice so of course i had to go and say goodnight and have a cuddle.

Best bit of today is that it is thursday and I have finished work for a whole week - off to sunny (?) Devon
Hi Everyone,

So.... leaving all that behind......what made you smile today

Waking up under the Humber Bridge then cycling to Cleethorpes along the sea wall.....smelling the benzine as I was passing the refinery, getting black legs from coal slurry on the footpath, sheltering from the cloudbursts in a bus shelter, watching the lightning, getting lost in Grimsby fish docks, finding free parking in Cleethorpes, chatting on the bus to a white Nigerian about bribery and corruption, getting home, feet up, cup of tea.......aaahhh!
I'm very happy tonight!

This morning I accidentally added my own name to my ignore list. When I found that I couldn't see any of my own comments, I presumed that I had been banned.

It's such a happy feeling (for me at least) to find that I'm still here!!

(Rach, am I really the only one to reply to your thread?? ) :):):)
Waking up under the Humber Bridge then cycling to Cleethorpes along the sea wall.....smelling the benzine as I was passing the refinery, getting black legs from coal slurry on the footpath, sheltering from the cloudbursts in a bus shelter, watching the lightning, getting lost in Grimsby fish docks, finding free parking in Cleethorpes, chatting on the bus to a white Nigerian about bribery and corruption, getting home, feet up, cup of tea.......aaahhh!

Gee up??? I know grimsby is bad at the best of times but you couldnt have come at a worse time and you should have let me know you would have had free parking outside my house hot bath and warm welcome!!!
I'm very happy tonight!

This morning I accidentally added my own name to my ignore list. When I found that I couldn't see any of my own comments, I presumed that I had been banned.

It's such a happy feeling (for me at least) to find that I'm still here!!

(Rach, am I really the only one to reply to your thread?? ) :):):)

:lol-049::lol-049::lol-049::lol-049::lol-049: now this has made me happy, you are soooooooooo funny Scampa xxx
Logging on to this thread and reading scampa's post gave me my first laugh of the morning - especially welcome after the shock of seeing the face of my father in the mirror! But then I opened the curtains and saw the sun - yippee! We're off to another festival - hope it stays fine. Good luck and see you all next week. :wave:
Gee up??? I know grimsby is bad at the best of times but you couldnt have come at a worse time and you should have let me know you would have had free parking outside my house hot bath and warm welcome!!!

Aye well I'm a shy lad and don't like to impose but am cycling down the coast from Cleethorpes today and I suppose I do pong a bit! So a bath would be loverly.......I'll PM you my phone no.

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