Happy 20th Birthday Wild Camping


It has now been 20 years since I started this online community. I cannot believe that two decades have passed!

95980 Members have made 1.3 million posts that have been viewed several billion times.

We have had our ups and downs, and I have made many mistakes. I have some regrets but many happy memories.

Having a community where no member is more important, no member has more power, and everyone's nonabusive opinion can be shared has been why this community has endured.

I hope we have another 20 years.

Our longest-lasting members on their original account are:
(oldest account first)
  1. Jann
  2. Kontiki
  3. Donsider
  4. clarkpeacock
  5. rwhites1
  6. David & Ann
  8. cowanhouse
  9. keithhep
  10. ian81

I want to express my deepest gratitude to all the members who have played their part in this communities journey. Without the members who post daily on the forums, this community would wither and die.

Please all pat yourself on the back, as this is our achievement.

Thank you Phil, without mistakes we wouldn't learn anything and if you hadn't mentioned it we probably wouldn't have known 😜, I would also like to thank all the members for making this community the friendly and fun place to be, it is my first site every day as well, and constantly throughout the day🙊
I’ve been here since 2012 and it been a great community to be part of. I’ve tried other forums but none come close to WC. This forum has got me through some crappy things life throws at you and is somewhere you can come and share a tear or a smile with great friends.
Many thanks Phil🙏🫶
A MASSIVE THANK YOU PHIL for all your hard work. so so grateful to this forum /community in more ways than one...its got me thru some very tough times. i would have been lost without it. and the meets have been great fun and friendly...a bit like one big happy family........THANK YOU once again a massive achievement for you..
Hi Phill, well done for first of all when most of us were cave dwellers 20 years ago having the brains and the industry to set this site up. And thanks for the patience you have shown. Also you have always replied to my queries, for that a massive thanks. Keep up the good work, all the very best.

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