sean rua
Hi Rach,
I had a feeling you had no kids when I read that thread last week on "Rants". Neither could I figure out when you found the time to get out on the road in the camper.
Anyway, most folk have suggested you carry on as you are and don't worry about the future - with one or two caveats from Morgan about not overdoing the work side of things.
Just to balance things up, here's a few points from an "oldie". Obviously, if you're of the same mindset as, say, Droader, you'll take not one bit of notice, as 'tis all us old bggrs that have caused all the woes of the world etc. :sad:
However, remember these:
" Life is Experience, and we cannot get Experience without Age".
"Kids are God's gift to man, and the time to have them is while you're still young enough to cope and enjoy"
" I saw many an old bird doting 24/7 on its young, but i never saw a young bird flying back to feed the old"
" Time is the most precious thing in the world" It only goes one way; when it's gone it's gone." They say time is a great healer, but it kills more people than anything else.
So, it's not clear-cut. Certainly, make the best of the moment, but try to keep one eye on the future. Don't end up like me, old and knackered with all bridges burnt.
Make sure that anybody you share your life with has genuinely the same hopes and ambitions as you. I was like you; I slaved away; I thought I was doing it for the good of the family.
After forty years, I found out I was a mug. My family had different outlooks. I was just a silly old fool.
It's fine being Jack the Lad when you're young, but once you're aged, nobody thinks it's great.
Your speed, your strength, your stamina, your looks, your tolerance, all go. Nobody ain't gonna care, and why should they?
OK, that's the other side of the coin. Make sure you make the best of it! :goodluck: I was young and fit and harem scarem and wayward.
"Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end".
But they did.
My kids are good to me, but the bit I hate is having to be "beholden" to anyone.
I just never dreamt I'd last this long. Don't make the same mistakes as me!
Remember, the Droaders of this world will still be there in thirty years time and they'll get younger and younger everyday. :lol-053:
sean rua.
no, I'm not on the drink or anything else. Sad but true.
I had a feeling you had no kids when I read that thread last week on "Rants". Neither could I figure out when you found the time to get out on the road in the camper.
Anyway, most folk have suggested you carry on as you are and don't worry about the future - with one or two caveats from Morgan about not overdoing the work side of things.
Just to balance things up, here's a few points from an "oldie". Obviously, if you're of the same mindset as, say, Droader, you'll take not one bit of notice, as 'tis all us old bggrs that have caused all the woes of the world etc. :sad:
However, remember these:
" Life is Experience, and we cannot get Experience without Age".
"Kids are God's gift to man, and the time to have them is while you're still young enough to cope and enjoy"
" I saw many an old bird doting 24/7 on its young, but i never saw a young bird flying back to feed the old"
" Time is the most precious thing in the world" It only goes one way; when it's gone it's gone." They say time is a great healer, but it kills more people than anything else.
So, it's not clear-cut. Certainly, make the best of the moment, but try to keep one eye on the future. Don't end up like me, old and knackered with all bridges burnt.
Make sure that anybody you share your life with has genuinely the same hopes and ambitions as you. I was like you; I slaved away; I thought I was doing it for the good of the family.
After forty years, I found out I was a mug. My family had different outlooks. I was just a silly old fool.
It's fine being Jack the Lad when you're young, but once you're aged, nobody thinks it's great.
Your speed, your strength, your stamina, your looks, your tolerance, all go. Nobody ain't gonna care, and why should they?
OK, that's the other side of the coin. Make sure you make the best of it! :goodluck: I was young and fit and harem scarem and wayward.
"Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end".
But they did.
My kids are good to me, but the bit I hate is having to be "beholden" to anyone.
I just never dreamt I'd last this long. Don't make the same mistakes as me!
Remember, the Droaders of this world will still be there in thirty years time and they'll get younger and younger everyday. :lol-053:
sean rua.
no, I'm not on the drink or anything else. Sad but true.