Growing old (not meant to be depressing!)

Hi Rach,

I had a feeling you had no kids when I read that thread last week on "Rants". Neither could I figure out when you found the time to get out on the road in the camper.

Anyway, most folk have suggested you carry on as you are and don't worry about the future - with one or two caveats from Morgan about not overdoing the work side of things.

Just to balance things up, here's a few points from an "oldie". Obviously, if you're of the same mindset as, say, Droader, you'll take not one bit of notice, as 'tis all us old bggrs that have caused all the woes of the world etc. :sad:

However, remember these:

" Life is Experience, and we cannot get Experience without Age".

"Kids are God's gift to man, and the time to have them is while you're still young enough to cope and enjoy"

" I saw many an old bird doting 24/7 on its young, but i never saw a young bird flying back to feed the old"

" Time is the most precious thing in the world" It only goes one way; when it's gone it's gone." They say time is a great healer, but it kills more people than anything else.

So, it's not clear-cut. Certainly, make the best of the moment, but try to keep one eye on the future. Don't end up like me, old and knackered with all bridges burnt.
Make sure that anybody you share your life with has genuinely the same hopes and ambitions as you. I was like you; I slaved away; I thought I was doing it for the good of the family.
After forty years, I found out I was a mug. My family had different outlooks. I was just a silly old fool.
It's fine being Jack the Lad when you're young, but once you're aged, nobody thinks it's great.

Your speed, your strength, your stamina, your looks, your tolerance, all go. Nobody ain't gonna care, and why should they?

OK, that's the other side of the coin. Make sure you make the best of it! :goodluck: I was young and fit and harem scarem and wayward.
"Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end".
But they did.

My kids are good to me, but the bit I hate is having to be "beholden" to anyone.
I just never dreamt I'd last this long. Don't make the same mistakes as me!

Remember, the Droaders of this world will still be there in thirty years time and they'll get younger and younger everyday. :lol-053:

sean rua.

no, I'm not on the drink or anything else. Sad but true.
I had a bit of a melt down last week about growing old......

I am only 30 but in a 'maybe too many glasses of wine' situation thought I may be a sad lonely old woman one day with nobody to care for me:scared:

Both myself and my partner don't want children, this has been mine and his view throughout our lives. My partner is 13 years my senior and I am the youngest of 5, yes anything could happen but if I was to live to a ripe old age it's a possibility that all my loved ones could pass before me.

I don't mean this to sound morbid, I am not sad about this but it did spring to mind the other day that this could happen. We both do alot for our mothers, them both being alone and I thought I wouldnt have anyone to take me on holiday or do my shopping or visit me.

Anyway this is my choice at the end of the day:lol-053:

The OH half says I dont know what friends I will have by then, but I dont have many now...... he he

Rach, Like you I have known since a very yong age that I did not want children. When I got married at 25 I was constantly being asked "when are you having kids" I would always answer with never and always to be met with "oh you'll change your mind, give it time"
Well, i have been married for 12 years and still no children and still no intent to have them.
Now after 12 years of marrage and no children I don't get asked about not having them, I think the fact I am getting closer to 40 and don't have any makes people scared to ask! You will be suprised at how you are treated by people when you say you don't want children, You would think I have murdered someone! I have been told I am not a proper woman, etc etc...
I too have those moments of "oh what if I'm old and alone, who is going to look after me" and my husband is 10 years older than me too, however, this is no reason to have children. How many people have children only for them to move abroad for work etc and don't see them from one year to the next or parents falling out with children and not speaking for years! Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike children, I am an Auntie and a Godmother, I just don't want one of my own.

I don't regret my choice, I love our life.

Maybe we should have a I don't want kids club :lol-053:
Hi Rachael,

I respect your decision not to have kids, maybe in time you will change your mind, who knows, but please don't get depressed about your age, I am 22 years your senior and still behave like a kid according to my wife!

You only get one stab at life so go for what suits you.

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One thing's for certain, there's no "correct or right way" to run your life

My life has been like a roller-coaster, some terrific highs and some horrible lows.

I got married & had kids at Twenty, some may say foolish others that you're young enough to cope, both had an element of truth.

I love my kids but don't see very much of them or the grandkids, my marriage lasted 30 years, I wish it hadn't been that long, but I stayed for the kids, rightly or wrongly but that's what I did.

I've now remarried and have two lovely step daughters both now in their 20s, both have their highs and lows, one has two kids, the other loves kids but says that she never wants kids.

The top and bottom is that we all make choices throughout our lives, each choice have a number of consequences and it is up to us to make the best opportunity that is a result of these choices.

I have regret over some of my choices, BUT, I remember that it was my choice to make that decision at the time and live with it.

The same for you, having made the decision not to have kids, if in the future you feel negative, just remember that it was the choice you made at the time and at that point of time it was the correct one for you.

I have an Uncle & Aunt that decided not to have children, they are perfectly happy, love their nieces and nephews but can always hand them back.

As others have said, you are still young enough to change your mind if you choose, but I feel you are intelegent enough to recognise that whatever the future brings, pat yourself on the back and say "I did what I thought was right at that point in time"

Life is too short to let feelings of remorse dictate how you live your life, but ensure that one thing, be it work, children, booze don't come to dictate your life.

As has been said, wisdom come with age, well to some anyway.

I feel proud of you to endeavour to make something of your life, I wish you well. But remember to take time to enjoy life as well.

These words of wisdom?? come from a 60 year old with the mindset of a twenty-thirty year old, but whose body is getting knackered!!!.

Just enjoy your life.
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Rach, Like you I have known since a very yong age that I did not want children. When I got married at 25 I was constantly being asked "when are you having kids" I would always answer with never and always to be met with "oh you'll change your mind, give it time"
Well, i have been married for 12 years and still no children and still no intent to have them.
Now after 12 years of marrage and no children I don't get asked about not having them, I think the fact I am getting closer to 40 and don't have any makes people scared to ask! You will be suprised at how you are treated by people when you say you don't want children, You would think I have murdered someone! I have been told I am not a proper woman, etc etc...
I too have those moments of "oh what if I'm old and alone, who is going to look after me" and my husband is 10 years older than me too, however, this is no reason to have children. How many people have children only for them to move abroad for work etc and don't see them from one year to the next or parents falling out with children and not speaking for years! Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike children, I am an Auntie and a Godmother, I just don't want one of my own.

I don't regret my choice, I love our life.

Maybe we should have a I don't want kids club :lol-053:

i'll look after you :scared:
::your nobbut a bairn, just try and be thankfull for what you have every day.
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You are a long time dead

Hi Rach

I read your comments with interest, I am now at the other end of the chase for life and knowledge. I left school at 15 done a bit on the building,but still looking for more, went on into the printing trade in the swinging 60's great time,not a care in the world, married in 70's had two baby's lost one at birth a bad time but we got on with it. 1982 set up a Reprographics company in mad Maggie's day,and a second company two years later, lot's of hard work for 16 years high interest rates, fighting the banks for over draughts, still no change today. We were hit hard in the 90's with company's going broke,decided to get out of it all in 2000 with just about our health and not much more.We both went back to day jobs that pay at the end of the month, a lot less stress. My Wife said would I have changed any thing looking back?, but that's an easy cop out.No we an't finished yet, now retired bought a new Motorhome done the first long trip to Europe got robbed in Italy,planning next trip with baseball bat bring it on, it's all part of the adventure. Still feel like a 18 year old, Sex Booze & rock & roll.You have the rest of your life Rach good luck.


I had a bit of a melt down last week about growing old......

I am only 30 but in a 'maybe too many glasses of wine' situation thought I may be a sad lonely old woman one day with nobody to care for me:scared:

Both myself and my partner don't want children, this has been mine and his view throughout our lives. My partner is 13 years my senior and I am the youngest of 5, yes anything could happen but if I was to live to a ripe old age it's a possibility that all my loved ones could pass before me.

I don't mean this to sound morbid, I am not sad about this but it did spring to mind the other day that this could happen. We both do alot for our mothers, them both being alone and I thought I wouldnt have anyone to take me on holiday or do my shopping or visit me.

Anyway this is my choice at the end of the day:lol-053:

The OH half says I dont know what friends I will have by then, but I dont have many now...... he he
Rach, Like you I have known since a very yong age that I did not want children. When I got married at 25 I was constantly being asked "when are you having kids" I would always answer with never and always to be met with "oh you'll change your mind, give it time"
Well, i have been married for 12 years and still no children and still no intent to have them.
Now after 12 years of marrage and no children I don't get asked about not having them, I think the fact I am getting closer to 40 and don't have any makes people scared to ask! You will be suprised at how you are treated by people when you say you don't want children, You would think I have murdered someone! I have been told I am not a proper woman, etc etc...
I too have those moments of "oh what if I'm old and alone, who is going to look after me" and my husband is 10 years older than me too, however, this is no reason to have children. How many people have children only for them to move abroad for work etc and don't see them from one year to the next or parents falling out with children and not speaking for years! Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike children, I am an Auntie and a Godmother, I just don't want one of my own.

I don't regret my choice, I love our life.

Maybe we should have a I don't want kids club :lol-053:

Yes we should!!

Nice to find someone in the same boat.... I do get told all the time that I will change my mind - REALLY I WONT! I have actually had some women be really nasty when I have mentioned this - thay told me I wasnt normal!!!! I am also an Aunty and godmother - it doesnt mean I want my own children. I love my life, I am very happy with the best partner in the world!
Yes we should!!

Nice to find someone in the same boat.... I do get told all the time that I will change my mind - REALLY I WONT! I have actually had some women be really nasty when I have mentioned this - thay told me I wasnt normal!!!! I am also an Aunty and godmother - it doesnt mean I want my own children. I love my life, I am very happy with the best partner in the world!

yes, people can be quite hurtful can't they! I think i've had everything thrown at me! Ive had a blazing row with a customer once because he was really nasty to me, called me all sorts of names and I thought, why have I got to stand here and be shouted and verbily abused by you just because you are a customer, I'm here to serve you chips not be insulted, so I had a go back! Maybe I should of taken the upper hand and ignored him but what he said was horrid and very hurtful.
Are you coming to any of the meets?
yes, people can be quite hurtful can't they! I think i've had everything thrown at me! Ive had a blazing row with a customer once because he was really nasty to me, called me all sorts of names and I thought, why have I got to stand here and be shouted and verbily abused by you just because you are a customer, I'm here to serve you chips not be insulted, so I had a go back! Maybe I should of taken the upper hand and ignored him but what he said was horrid and very hurtful.
Are you coming to any of the meets?

would love to come to the meets but we dont have a van or anything we couild sleep in at the momentt!!
yes, people can be quite hurtful can't they! I think i've had everything thrown at me! Ive had a blazing row with a customer once because he was really nasty to me, called me all sorts of names and I thought, why have I got to stand here and be shouted and verbily abused by you just because you are a customer, I'm here to serve you chips not be insulted, so I had a go back! Maybe I should of taken the upper hand and ignored him but what he said was horrid and very hurtful.
Are you coming to any of the meets?

Well done for having a go back at him Lotty! If I had a shop I would take pleasure in banning a customer like that. Might lose a small amount of profit, but it would be so satisfying!! :)

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