Growing old (not meant to be depressing!)


I had a bit of a melt down last week about growing old......

I am only 30 but in a 'maybe too many glasses of wine' situation thought I may be a sad lonely old woman one day with nobody to care for me:scared:

Both myself and my partner don't want children, this has been mine and his view throughout our lives. My partner is 13 years my senior and I am the youngest of 5, yes anything could happen but if I was to live to a ripe old age it's a possibility that all my loved ones could pass before me.

I don't mean this to sound morbid, I am not sad about this but it did spring to mind the other day that this could happen. We both do alot for our mothers, them both being alone and I thought I wouldnt have anyone to take me on holiday or do my shopping or visit me.

Anyway this is my choice at the end of the day:lol-053:

The OH half says I dont know what friends I will have by then, but I dont have many now...... he he
You work to hard Rach.

Chill out a little. we all get a little Melancholy after a bottle or 2 of wine and think of these things but you are just a whipper snapper you got your life ahead of you.
And you will always have friends on here.
You might have a niece or nephew that will keep an 'eye out' for their 'batty old aunt' later on...don't worry! :eek:
:lol-049: :lol-049::lol-049: Your only 30 blimey wait till you get to my age and see who's left:sad::lol-053::lol-053::lol-053: Stop worrying about it and enjoy life to it's limits :scooter:
You know the answer - lay off the booze!
Seriously, no-one can do much about the future, you just have to live life as it comes. Having children doesn't mean they will be there for you when you're old - these days they go off all round the world. I haven't seen one of my sons for about 3 years now and I know several people whose children live in Australia.
And you're just a babby anyway.
I think the important thing is to live your life how you want to when you want to. Meaning you change and situations change. You are still a young woman so don't tie yourself to not having children. You still have your whole life in front of you..

I had a bit of a melt down last week about growing old......

I am only 30 but in a 'maybe too many glasses of wine' situation thought I may be a sad lonely old woman one day with nobody to care for me:scared:

Both myself and my partner don't want children, this has been mine and his view throughout our lives. My partner is 13 years my senior and I am the youngest of 5, yes anything could happen but if I was to live to a ripe old age it's a possibility that all my loved ones could pass before me.

I don't mean this to sound morbid, I am not sad about this but it did spring to mind the other day that this could happen. We both do alot for our mothers, them both being alone and I thought I wouldnt have anyone to take me on holiday or do my shopping or visit me.

Anyway this is my choice at the end of the day:lol-053:

The OH half says I dont know what friends I will have by then, but I dont have many now...... he he
You might have a niece or nephew that will keep an 'eye out' for their 'batty old aunt' later on...don't worry! :eek:

I hope so... have a few nephews and nieces - better be a better aunty..................
I got married at 19 (not a shot gun wedding) 4 daughters and 1 son later, and now 14 lovely granchildren ranging from 2-1/2 to 21 years old , and they all think that grandad is the bee's knees.
wouldn't change it for the world.

Grandad John.

Ps a young 62.
I wouldn't worry about not having kids if that's your's probably just hereditary! :):)
I would steer clear of the wine girl if it makes you think like that, your only 30, your life hasnt even started, i think there should be a scheme what you can sign up too, like a carer for the future, where by you pay a little now and then when the time comes you are asssigned a carer? summat like that any way, lol, and Teffy is spot on, you could have had kids and they could have buggered off to live in NZ or summat, thats what they do these days innit, i know this sounds morbid but, my friend used to worry about this, he dropped dead at 53, so all the worrying probably gave him the heart attack, not going to real of all the sayings, sure you know them all, but.................... enjoy what you have now and worry about the future in the future, have a good day lass
I would steer clear of the wine girl if it makes you think like that, your only 30, your life hasnt even started, i think there should be a scheme what you can sign up too, like a carer for the future, where by you pay a little now and then when the time comes you are asssigned a carer? summat like that any way, lol, and Teffy is spot on, you could have had kids and they could have buggered off to live in NZ or summat, thats what they do these days innit, i know this sounds morbid but, my friend used to worry about this, he dropped dead at 53, so all the worrying probably gave him the heart attack, not going to real of all the sayings, sure you know them all, but.................... enjoy what you have now and worry about the future in the future, have a good day lass

She's worried now about dropping dead at 53 in fact I'm bloody worried as well cos 53s gone. lol

It sounds to me that rach is not living life to the full and she's all work and no play.

I know you are flat out trying to make the most of your company but you have to listen to some of these guys on here and make time to enjoy life.
I practically nearly had a nervous breakdown when I hit 40 :scared:.....I never stopped crying for the six months leading up to it but can honestly say my early forites have been the best years of my life. The older I get the more accepting of things I am and I try not to worry too much about the future and try live in the here and now, I learned that the hard way last year.

Dont worry :)))

only 2 things in life are guaranteed everyone dies but not everyone lives, so with that in mind get out and live life to the max :lol-053: age is only a number.
Wine does do that some times. Now Jägermeister has the opposite effect, lol :lol-049: proper looney juice.
I had a bit of a melt down last week about growing old......

I am only 30 but in a 'maybe too many glasses of wine' situation thought I may be a sad lonely old woman one day with nobody to care for me:scared:

Both myself and my partner don't want children, this has been mine and his view throughout our lives. My partner is 13 years my senior and I am the youngest of 5, yes anything could happen but if I was to live to a ripe old age it's a possibility that all my loved ones could pass before me.

I don't mean this to sound morbid, I am not sad about this but it did spring to mind the other day that this could happen. We both do alot for our mothers, them both being alone and I thought I wouldnt have anyone to take me on holiday or do my shopping or visit me.

Anyway this is my choice at the end of the day:lol-053:

The OH half says I dont know what friends I will have by then, but I dont have many now...... he he

Hi Rach82

Well you could change your mind and have children.

Those who wish to have children stop reading now.

Starts with morning sickness followed by frequency, stretch marks, hemorrhoids. Then there is the birth, Yes an 8 pound lump does come out of there. No you will never be the same again. Have you ever smelled new born baby poo. Think you cannot go six months without more than a 1 hours continuous sleep, wrong. Have seen the cost of prams, cots, push chairs, nappies etc, etc,
At around the age of 2 they start to look human but start the terrible 2's. When you think you have them sorted, you send them off to school. Out goes your dear sweet child and they swap it for an obnoxious swearing brat and send it home again. Think you are through the worst of it and the change into a "Teenager"! Will they ever leave No!

To really rub it my oldest has just a decided to get pregnant with twins:

The crazy thing is I would do it all again. But I am a bloke. Not the one having them:D

Aw Rach I've got clothes older than you! Please don't worry about getting older... just think of the only alternative! Besides, worrying about it will get you there all the quicker :lol-053: I had my 60th last week... now you're talking some big numbers but it doesn't bother me at all because we're having as much fun now as we ever have and retirement is absolute heaven. My Martin's 9 years older than me, so he'll be staring 70 in the face this time next year! Teffy and KBB are spot on about the children too... my daughter lives in Australia and my son lives a few streets away and I possibly see more of her than I do of him!

One thing I will say about family and friends though... as you get older those old connections seem to matter all the more - old friends, school friends, cousins, nieces and nephews. It's a powerful feeling, especially for women I think. It's worth putting in the time and making a habit of keeping in touch with everyone who matters to you now, so you'll still have strong connection when you get older. These days it's so easy to keep people in your day-to-day life through email, sharing photos and so on - plus Facebook of course. I've got friends on a normal forum that I've known for 6 years now and we've met up several times for long weekends and become very close. Heaven forbid, if anything happened to Martin, I know I'd have friends all over the country to visit in the MH... not to mention the ones who live abroad ;)

You've barely scratched the surface woman! Enjoy! :fun:

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