good wilding spot in Bodmin


Full Member
The other day I was cycling down (as a short cut to Asda) a road, now closed off at one end but accessible to pedestrians and cyclists), a when I thought what a good wilding spot that it would make. No use to me as I only live half a mile away but there is an Asda, a Mac Donald's, KFC, Halford and a few other potentially useful shops less than 5 mins walk away. The spot is at 50.471576°N 4.702475°W
Just because there USED to be a mental hospital in Bodmin, long gone and Doc Martin (we both thought it was rubbish) took up on it and turned it into an insult, Bodmin just happens to be almost bang in the middle of Cornwall and that spot just a kilometre from the A30 dual carriageway and when we came here it was still the capital of Cornwall.
Funnily enough we considered buying what became the doctors house in Port Isaac but the parking was unacceptable and the transport links generally were too poor so we let it go. We called our son Kevin and he does not like it because of another so called comedy show. I was talking to some Americans and they loved that Doc Martin but they also loved Trump, says it all doesn't it. Now we have a lovely site with a stream and a waterfall at the bottom of the garden and a dearth of salt spray to destroy the car and motorhome, lovely.
The other day I was cycling down (as a short cut to Asda) a road, now closed off at one end but accessible to pedestrians and cyclists), a when I thought what a good wilding spot that it would make. No use to me as I only live half a mile away but there is an Asda, a Mac Donald's, KFC, Halford and a few other potentially useful shops less than 5 mins walk away. The spot is at 50.471576°N 4.702475°W
Any issues with width and/or height (tree branches) for larger motorhomes?
I don't think so but have not done any measuring. There is a housing development just before my coordinate spot for turning

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