Good coffe in the MH

My favourite coffee

I use a Smart Café cafetière mug by Zyliss, which is double skinned so keeps warm for quite a while, the mug has a fine mesh cafétière slider with a O ring surround. The coffee is very hot when first made, so not ideal when you're in a rush, but anticipation does make you appreciate a wonderful coffee. For me it makes the perfect cup. Or is it mug? They are less than £10 delivered from Amazon. If in a hurry, I use a cone and filter into the same mug, but the filter takes out more of the "oils". I prefer what I term the full fat kind. Getting rid of the grouts is the only issue, when you're on an aires and the next van is only 18 inches away! Just swill and throw out the back.

I have the Aeropress, but don't think it improves over the Smart Café, and is such a faff. I have one for sale, almost unused, if interested. With travel bag and filter.
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One of my favourites is Douwe Egberts Dark Roast, Black, no sugar, sweetened with a secret ingredient, a generous slug of Glayva... :tongue: :) As long as you're not driving of course.. :giggle:
Bialetti Espresso sove top pot for us with Morrisons 'The Best' Brazilian Espresso Ground coffee in a black bag with red text.
1/2 a cup of poured coffee topped up with boiled water and milk shaken in a bottle to froth it up, it makes a wonderful 'Bodge-i-cano'.
We use it at home and in the van.

IIRC ours is the 6 cup version which makes 2 mugs of Bodge-i-cano (Americano) or 3 cups.
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I’ve got s wee tasimo machine needs 240 but love a nice costa espresso first thing strong black and it makes a nice cappuccino always the same.
A stainless steel caffetiere and some decent coffee. The dregs are biodegradable and can be thrown into the undergrowth.

That's what we do too. Our caffetere is insulated too so the coffee is really hot. I hate coffee so Dave gets the lot!
I like Sainsbury’s coffee but of my favourites is Romboutes but getting harder and harder to find you can get the one cup filters but loose fresh coffee no one sells it anymore so I joined their coffee club and buy it direct now,although the Lidl gold isn’t s bad coffee I drink only black coffee with the occasional adaptive Baileys, Whiskey.
we liked the espresso with milk we drank abroad, tried a number of makes in different cafes. some were harsh enough to make you feel sick all morning, most French coffees have that effect on me, and if you only drink one a day , you want it to be right, so we drink Delta coffee from the Algarve-lovely and smooth, made with three heaped tsps in a Kabalo 3 cup pot, with frothy milk- mainly froth PRODUKT Milk-frother Black - IKEA
Instant gold blend for us, made with milk.Easy to adjust to suit individual tastes.
I prefer Douwe Egberts Instant Granules myself :tongue:

machines with little pots.... cafetieres ... perculators ... too much faff

(I also like Carnation Evaporated Milk in mine :scared: depends how you are brought I guess? Me, it was "Karat Kinder Kaffee mit dosenmilch" - don't do posh in NRW :lol-053: )
I like Sainsbury’s coffee but of my favourites is Romboutes but getting harder and harder to find you can get the one cup filters but loose fresh coffee no one sells it anymore so I joined their coffee club and buy it direct now,although the Lidl gold isn’t s bad coffee I drink only black coffee with the occasional adaptive Baileys, Whiskey.
If you like Rombouts coffee (I do like their no-faff one-cup filters) I would think you would also like Jacobs (pronounced jak-cobbs) Coffee? It is (originally) German so I think might pop up in Lidls occasionally?
This is the stuff you could try ... Jacobs Kronung,Genuine German coffee beans 500g: Grocery
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one for the coffee snobs

for a strong black espresso in a hurry
the machine had broken down and i'd asked for a 'bica' ,small espresso
the lady apologised and put 3 heaped spoonfuls of Nescafe in the tiny cup, and a bit of boiling water
not bad ! instant coffee buzz !
One of theseView attachment 60149

Provided it will fit OK on a gas ring

OK a bit of a fuss and sometimes you may need to clean up after
BUT IMO the only way to get good coffee (eg for breakfast or after dinner) at other times just use a very good instant (Gold blend or the like!)

We use 1 if these at home as my Mrs needs her coffee fix! They are Brilliant and deffinatly going to put 1 in van once complete....we have a 9 cup one....makes 2 lattes fine ;)
Nice cuppa.

You can get this ground or bean,very tastey. 20171222_122805.jpg
Coffee by percolator

Tried cafietieres insulated and not, instant, and machines at peoples houses, but a standard percolator like jagmanx links for us, best coffee and fits on our little gas ring. No mess usually, shake out grounds in hedge wipe perforated plate with a finger, ready for next time. Asda leithe Nicaraguan mixed with Aldi java, we prefer that and find European coffee harsh so we take enough bags from home for the duration.
For those thinking of getting a Bialetti Moka type espresso maker, Sainsburys currently have a 6-cup size 'clone' on sale for under a tenner (clicky link). Makes a decent cup that's on par with my Aeropress, potentially with less faff. HTH, Geoff

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