getting ready for the off !!!

not even got of drive , forcasting gale's and floods so waiting for better weather
wise decision, :)
the weather looks pretty chaotic all over england just now.:eek:
not the best for a leisurely trip.
The weather in the north east is ok at the moment not a pick of wind so where is all the wind that was forcast i think they make it up as the go:confused:
Navy showers

I never use site facilities and always shower on the Van ( when I was running the adventure tours in my ill spent youth I had to use site facilities in a whole number of countries and seemed to have permanent athletes foot and similar types of foot rot ) so will not use site showers. So I find taking a navy shower, WET BODY, TURN OFF SHOWER, LATHER UP TEMPLE OF ADONIS, THEN HOSE OFF. use of water about 3/4 litres that way 2 of us can shower and wash up on one heated tankfull. They call it a navy shower as it was a rule to conserve fresh water supplies.
When i was a young lad we did not have a bath or shower so my Mother got hold of an old bath tub put it in the back yard she would fill it up with cold water and then get out the scrubing brush :)eek:a real hard one i recall:eek:) and a big bar of that green fairy soap and scrub like mad and when she finished i looked like a lobster:mad:, now cold water dont bother me but scrubing brushes aaarrrrrgggggggggg. :(
Think in this weather just stand outside with showerwash and get blown dry at same time , save on gas for heating water .
When i was a young lad we did not have a bath or shower so my Mother got hold of an old bath tub put it in the back yard she would fill it up with cold water and then get out the scrubing brush :)eek:a real hard one i recall:eek:) and a big bar of that green fairy soap and scrub like mad and when she finished i looked like a lobster:mad:, now cold water dont bother me but scrubing brushes aaarrrrrgggggggggg. :(

Tell is about it, Trev. me mother used to hoy us in two at a time, I remember the soap you're on about, I think it was called washing soap(used to rub the collars of shirts prior to the poss tub):rolleyes: It was like half a brick:eek:.

BTW. did you ever get your fingers squashed in the mangle?:eek::D
Think in this weather just stand outside with showerwash and get blown dry at same time , save on gas for heating water .
Just head for the lake district loads of freezing cold becks (streams not beer)
to take a bath and come out refreshed its a good feeling if you can take the cold.:cool:
ah yes the good old days!
sunday night used to be a good scrubing with carbolic soap
I think the big square bar was called "Sunlight"
then the extra sharp comb through the hair looking for nits :eek:

parents wouldn't get away with that cruelty nowadays :eek: :eek:
ah yes the good old days!
sunday night used to be a good scrubing with carbolic soap
I think the big square bar was called "Sunlight"
then the extra sharp comb through the hair looking for nits :eek:

parents wouldn't get away with that cruelty nowadays :eek: :eek:
Aye Sundown mate did you ever get the old bowl on your head for a haircut
then go to school where all the other kids would take the P :eek::(:eek:
Aye Sundown mate did you ever get the old bowl on your head for a haircut
then go to school where all the other kids would take the P :eek::(:eek:
we were brought up in a small village
where the "Parkie", park keeper
doubled as the village barber
there was five of us so I think my parents got a special deal.
but the hairut was still awful
one could always tell "auld jims" customers
we were brought up in a small village
where the "Parkie", park keeper
doubled as the village barber
there was five of us so I think my parents got a special deal.
but the hairut was still awful
one could always tell "auld jims" customers

So it's auld Jim who's responsible for paddy's tail:D:rolleyes:
What about the cod liver oil and malt (now i just have malt, single malt) national health orange juice (lovely) and being stuck in front of a sun ray lamp wearing welders goggles for half an hour, I was convinced it was a punishment......... Woolen swimming trunks that would follow you out of the pool or sea about 5 minutes after you........ the joy of wearing shorts in minus 20c because you couldn't have longs till you were 12, so you had a ring of chap marks around the top of each knee............. but we still loved Mum...

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