Get your eyes tested......

Last year when I had my eyes tested, the optician said that I needed glasses for seeing motorway sign posts at night.
I paid for a set of glasses and got a free set of prescription sun glasses free... :cool: For night driving?

This year, distance vision ok though... so never wore the prescription sun glasses.
i had new glasses 3 months ago so presumably i am ok

I may have got this wrong, but when at opticians a few months ago, I'm sure I was told that they inform DVLA if your eyes fail test and you refuse glasses. How do they know you don't buy them elsewhere? I didn't take much notice as I didn't fail, so like I say, could be wrong.

Strangely, they still recomended I get driving glasses, which I did. For what it's worth, I can easily read a number plate at over 35 M in day light.
Y distacevision has improved with the extent that I can now read a yellow rear number plate at the required distance , still struggle with the white front ones at times, but still wouldn't drive on road without's a pretty ludicrous minimum standard.... Certainly for driving at modern road speeds.

Did oncepick up new glasses , drive 200 miles then realise icouldnt actually read the road signs once I was on unfamiliar territory.

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