genny or hook up calor or refillable


We've got Gaslows fitted x2 bottles with auto change over. Ps get the the adapters so u can fill on the continent. We find gas is readily available. But u do need the adapters to fill up the are x2 different ones. About tenner each. I know theres bit of an out outlay. But u will recoup the cost, because its cheap to refill at the pump. Also peeps have mentioned solar which is a good idea. There wBas a thread on that, about doing a bulk order.
Enjoy your trip. We travel Europe alot, using the aires. Some are free others are paid, but relatively cheap.

Oh we goto go, we're wild camped near st Michael mount, kernow. :) meeting friends for fry up.
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hi there are 3 other adaptors apart from uk baynet. the acme thread ,french cup. and the spanish new one.
gaslow is a rip off .cant put it any other way. ebay filler about 30quid. ideal.
yes lebby is correct tanks do have cut off valves sometimes . i prefer the bleed off valves . unscrew abit like a cycle valve . gas comes out ,start filling when liquid comes out stop filling and close valve. have the exact same system on the huge calor tank in my garden. my early lpg tank as it as well .best system i think. but i empty bottles upside down so heavy ends dont collect in bottom of bottles.
certainly in spain bottles are the way . you can change the repsol bottles with portugese repsol so i,m told .i use cepsa . the empty bottles make nice fuel tanks for trikes with a bit of work. nice n shiney.
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Well, freespirits, I said you'd stir things up with this one! :lol-049:

Just one more point about gas (he said, putting his non-technical head above the parapets!) - yes the new lpg adaptor that Gaslow sell is ridiculously expensive and I don't have one. Nonetheless, I have never had anytrouble filling up in Spain or anywhere else because the nice Respol man always produces the appropriate adaptor from deep within the bowels of his shed. And, being non-technical I go for safety first. Alan and lebesset are clearly not technically illiterate so they may feel confident rigging up their own systems. It all depends whether you're a scardy like me or an expert is the behaviour of gasses. All I can say is that I would not swap my Gaslow system (except for when I swap my van and move the cylinders over!). :goodluck:
its not technical. a 13kg bottle can take 26litres . start from empty ,when the clock on the pump says 24ltr stop. you only pay for what you take. same as gaslow it may or maynot stop.
a friend carried on filling his till the pump stopped .he got 35 ltr about in still worked fine .hejust did it to see . i have gone to30ltr before but stopped . the pumps are suposed to turn of at about 90%full but i cant promise . i know i have a 1200 ltr tank at home and it very often takes 1150 ltr.
anyway lets not go there , shant mention it again on this thread.
uk bottle , get a french or spanish bottle . use a stright through adapter on the spanish bottle that takes the french reg. mind autogas can supply a lh thread french style adapter to uk propane if need be . (fes gas). i had one made several years ago .now they are about 7quid.
its not technical. a 13kg bottle can take 26litres . start from empty ,when the clock on the pump says 24ltr stop. you only pay for what you take. same as gaslow it may or maynot stop.
a friend carried on filling his till the pump stopped .he got 35 ltr about in still worked fine .hejust did it to see . i have gone to30ltr before but stopped . the pumps are suposed to turn of at about 90%full but i cant promise . i know i have a 1200 ltr tank at home and it very often takes 1150 ltr.
anyway lets not go there , shant mention it again on this thread.
uk bottle , get a french or spanish bottle . use a stright through adapter on the spanish bottle that takes the french reg. mind autogas can supply a lh thread french style adapter to uk propane if need be . (fes gas). i had one made several years ago .now they are about 7quid.

Hi Alan

It may not be technically difficult for you but...............
The advantage of Gaslow for an idiot like me is that it has an automatic cut-off, so you don't have to do any calculations. So it all depends how confident you feel.

:have fun:
come on john you can read the clock on the pump surely.
the shut offs do fail.
come on john you can read the clock on the pump surely.
the shut offs do fail.

When it comes to potential bombs, I guess I plead cowardice! I find it odd that some people won't go to the Middle East because they are afraid; they presumably think I'm an idiot for my attitude to gas. That's life - but if I meet you on the road, maybe you could teach me to overcome it. :wave:
so when do we leave for the middle east. i,ve been saving all the awake and watchtower mags that my jehovah witness friends bring round. find them very handy to pass on at customs and police checks . ha ha . by the time we get there and you see a few filling a bottle from another bottle smoking and lighting matches . you wont worry about gas. takes ages at customs as i wont give them my passport till i check their identity to make sure they arent just thugs dressing up. been known to mess them for best part of a day. hee hee .no different there to here all authority as to be watched. and annoyed.
we could get on the silk route be in indiain a few weeks . could go real wild camping then.
it is a minefield of shocks over there. but after a while becomes normal. we could join up with ice truckers show them how its done .
duel fuel ...the 80% 'rule' [ it isn't a rule eg calor fill some bottles to more than that ] is to allow for a rise in temperature increasing the pressure [ remember boyle's law from school ?] . so it applies equally to tanks used for propulsion

although it is ultra conservative I stick to 80% even though I am not going to put a bottle in the sun at 60C in the middle of the namib desert , which 80% is designed to allow for

and , like alan . I KNOW my 2 times table and KNOW I don't fill beyond 80% ....if you fill a Gaslow you HOPE the safety stop works and you don't fill beyond that , you certainly don't KNOW previously stated I have had these devices fail , hence my lack of trust
Hi Lebesset,

I agree that if its duel purpose fuel tank then the 80% rule reduces the chances of liquid LPG getting to a burner however Boyles law is for a constant temperature. It states that volume and pressure are inversely proportional so if you increase the pressure you reduce the volume. I cannot see the need for the liquid in a high pressure tank needing room to expand by 25% in the case of a vehicle fuel tank. I must stress this is all theory on my part and I am in no way suggesting that anyone should exceed the 80% rule.

I am doing well, keeping quiet .....gas bottles upside down over 80 percent filled ... must try it when I re,new my gas certificate.

richard , correctly stated Boyles law is P1V1/T1 =P2V2/T2 , so all three things can be variable and inter-related ; thus , when the volume is fixed by the container , an increase of temperature leads to an increase in pressure

in reality , where the lpg is used as a liquid , 90% or more would be quite safe in european conditions as the tank is only pressurised to about 10 bar by the pump ; bear in mind all these pressure vessels for lpg are designed to be operated at 15 bar , and have a test pressure of 30 bar !!

so I fully agree that 80% is actually unnecessary I said ...ultra conservative
hiya channa
do you have acops ?
i only ask as gas safe etc dont cover motor homes not for hire or reward.
bit like corgi.
you can enter into usefull discusion we dont bite .
well not too hard .hee hee. gas bottles uoside down left open if heavy tailsends are in there they might drop out.
calor on their websit quote bottles filled between 80-90%.
Indeed Acops qualified in basic gas installations in respect of Leisure accomodation vehicles.

So I would hope my opinions are valid.

Not sure about the P1 V1 stuff as my memory does not go back that far and I,m too idle to look it up but I'll go with the rest of it.:D
indeed they are . i wasnt sure so thought better ask, i know lots pof gas safe and ex corgi qualified that cant officially sign a paper as qualified on the subject.9i,m sure you do as well. life is full of daft things .
but all comments read and aphreciated. no here.
to everyone else have lots of fun but think think think again if you have the slightest doubt of your ability dont do it. get help. if you see a problem then dont do it some of dont see problem we see the answer.
just an obsticle is in the way.
LPG is a refining process from oil, a Heavy end in my mind is a bottle that has oil residue in the bottom hence reducing the true capacity I.E volume of the bottle therefore easy to overfill, bearing in mind gas companies work on mass.

I have only seen two so far this season.

I dont see how inversion removes the heavy end.

Normal butane and propane bottles have a ball bearing valve which is prone by design to leak when bottles arent stored upright.

The only exception to this to my knowledge is gas for FLT,s which are designed to be used laid down.

If people wish to decant in their back gardens IMHO that is a different proposition to bottles stored on a campsite.

indeed they are . i wasnt sure so thought better ask, i know lots pof gas safe and ex corgi qualified that cant officially sign a paper as qualified on the subject.9i,m sure you do as well. life is full of daft things .
but all comments read and aphreciated. no here.
to everyone else have lots of fun but think think think again if you have the slightest doubt of your ability dont do it. get help. if you see a problem then dont do it some of dont see problem we see the answer.
just an obsticle is in the way.

Yes the gas safe thing is a bit of amoney spinner in my book.

Had a young lad working with us gas safe registered but cant touch the Morco boilers we predominantly work on wise Morco in your house I can touch it ....

The difference is gas pressure and jetting ;;;;;;;;;no more . stupid

Hi Channa,

Sorry but I am being a bit thick, you have seen two what. If its over filled cylinders I'm impressed as i'm lucky to get a full one:confused:


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