I no this is unfair but when I read all the anti generator brigade with their solar panel, gas fires, led lights, paper backs and no tele etc, I immediately think of Ebenezer Scrooge sitting there counting his pennies by candle light with his fingerless gloves on, balaclava and chittering with ice off his nose .
What is life about. We have the technology to enjoy the outdoors and as I stated originally concerning generators, its "just down to your responsible use."
I have had a couple of instances when I had electrical/battery problems and the generator was a god-sent as it kept the home fires burning. If I could fit a convection gas heater it would be magic but as it is I need power to run my heating system
This is a fun thread, certainlylearning a lot about different peoples aumptions and ways of camping.
I guess I am part of the anti geny brigade but I also have a satalite dish and plenty of high tech electrical equipment. I just accept when I go 'Wilding' that I might not be able to use it. If I want all the luxury of home when out I go to a campsite. It just seems odd to me that people want to go 'wilding' but they still want all the things that come with being on a mains supply.
I do accept that when people are out for extended periods or in extreme places its a must have, but come on guys we've all met people who are 20 miles from home for 2 nights who arrive and start the geny get the satalite up and fire up the microwave so they can have a prepackaged pizza whilst watching scum dancing. Each to there own but if they are inconsiderate to those of us who go out to escape the rat race then why don't we have the right to complain about it? If it was a noisy neighbour at home we have the right and the law is on our side....