Generators ... Grrr!

If your EB is anything like mine, that is a new interpretation of the word "needs".
Yes, there is a place where you can connect a solar panel to the EB and a place where you can connect a solar controller.
But if you look at the wiring diagram, all the EB does is connect the solar panel to the controller and the controller to the battery.
If you change the connection plugs, any solar controller will do the job just the same. There is nothing special going on.
I would wire the solar panel to the controller and the controller to the battery, but running it through the EB will make the solar charge show on the EB ammeter.

Not quite correct. If you buy the Schaudt controller, it comes with a wiring kit so that solar also charges the Van battery as well as the Leisure.
Had a similar problem with my EBlock on the Hymer. 'cept it wasn't charging from either solar or engine, while 220v shoreline charge worked OK.

I eventually removed the EB (and the drivers seat (LHD vehicle)), totally disassembled the EB checked what I could, re-assembled it and it all resumed normal operation with NFF.

The EB needs a special solar controller, made by Electroblock, that is designed to work with the main unit - LRM 1218

I am planning on ignoring the EB altogether for solar, with a new (old stock) Victron MPPT unit wired directly to the leisure batteries, leaving the EB to manage engine & 220v charging and distribution only.

You probably already have the link to a very good resource for EB Info at : Schaudt Elektroblock EBL 99 Repairs at PS130. EBL 100, EBL101, etc


Hi James. I have had a Schaudt 1218 for about 8 years. I transferred it from my last van to the present one. It is quite acceptable to do what you plan but you will lose the readout on your control panel Ammeter. The Voltmeter will still show the Volts.

I know Allan at A & N and have been to the Industrial Unit he used to have. He is a really nice bloke and very helpful.
With our ctek if battery’s are 50% run the engine for 20 minutes and get nearly 40 amps in . A generator wouldn’t be able to that

Your Absolutely correct, & That’s Brilliant for you,

But if I run my Genny for 20-30min -
A Shower can be had & STILL be left with a Tank full of Hot Water for the evening,
The Wife can then Use the Hairdryer after her Shower,
Cook a couple of Steaks on the Forman Grill,
Get some Steamed Veg & Jacket Spuds cooked from the Microwave,
Make a couple of cuppas with the electric Kettle,Then fill the Flask with boiling water ready for the Evening,
Do one load of clothes washing & Give it a Spin,
Give the Fridge a Boost, As well as a good Charge in the Laptop, Phone, Torch, Main & Aux Batteries.
Even put the Electric Heater on to blast the Aft Cabin for a spell, while I get the Wood burner going ..So it’s just about how you want to spend that power made in that 20 or so Min isn’t it,,,
My way works for my lifestyle choice as a Livaboard & your way works for you & Yours,,,That’s What makes this forum GREAT !,,it gives in sight & Options for others to think about what may work for them.
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I've only got a 110ah battery and have blown air heating and have no problems even in the depths of a Scottish winter. Admittedly I rarely stay in one place so get some charging whilst travelling but 4 days still at the new year meet were fine, even with the heating on 24/7. It uses less than an amp and then only when it cuts in. After 4 days the battery still showed 12.5v.
Where can we buy these magical batteries ?:lol-049:

No magic. 96 hrs with heater blowing for maybe 1/4 of the time, 1amp blower though in reality a bit less means 24ah. Other small draw from led lighting and some tv use say 16ah meaning less than 40ah used and the expected 40% used 12.5v.
I now have a golf cart battery which takes care of charging i pads and phones for 4 days, just to be kind othe lb which in theory could cope.
Oh, and
Leisure AGM Batteries | Platinum International Limited
If you are talking Gourdon (46) you can move up into the big car park above the aire, you will be OK there. There are usually a dozen or more campers parked up there during the summer months. I live just down the road.

Unfortunately I can't access that car park. I will beach and/or ground the towbar! It's a tricky series of gradient changes.

It's a lovely spot and I would use it if possible.
Well just put the Genny to good use for 25mins (09:45-10:10) & -
Topped up charge in The Torch, Phone, Laptop, iPad, Hair Trimmer, Kindle & of course The Main & Aux Batteries
Made a Cafetière of Coffee, Then Boiled 3 more Kettles to fill the Flask for Drinks For later in the Day.
Had a wash n shave in Warm water, Got Warm Water for Washing Up the Brunch Stuff & STILL will be left with a Tank full of Hot water for a few hrs to come Yet.
While spending 13 of those minutes Cooking Brunch itself on The George Forman Grill.
Potato Waffles


Doubled up & add the Eggs


For the Posh

For the Zombie

& all is good with the world with NO GRRR about Generators here !.
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lol just bought one. Will be considerate though, mine will be on to run microwave for morning porridge and as a general back up. Would not use for prolonged period if other MHS were about as they are a pain but a bit of day time running has to be tolerated. Just because someone turns up and does not like well it is going to happen - wild camping/aires/car parks - not many rules is there but consideration has to be a factor when using generators - I would only use mine in the evening if we were by ourselves, and only if there was a need when power is low. But I agree, some people do not care about anything, and they will be the ones dumping the grey and black anywhere.
If anyone is using a generator where others can hear it Their not being considerate regardless of the time of day

Lol lol, Well you would surly have to apply that train of thought to Other people’s Kids Laughing & playing nearby, any Passing Traffic noise, Airplanes flying overhead, People cutting lawns, Clipping Hedges, Babies Crying, Felling trees, Strimming, Emergancy vehicle sirens, a neighbour reading a book with the radio on, A Farmer Plowing his fields, Waves crashing on the cliffs, Sea Gulls, or even an ice cream truck doing the rounds in your area !...
Lol lol
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Fact is they have never heard of 12v eqipment and think every thing has to be 230v,m/wave hair dryers tv etc.
True, we spent a year away on the continent and managed very well without a genny. Just about every item of electrical equipment ran from 12 volts or USB, the two laptops using cigarette lighter adapters, two smartphones charged via micro USB, the camera battery charger via mini USB, the dog clippers again micro USB and the missus even had a set of 12 volt hair straighteners, worked fine though they took a little longer to warm up. I added a few more cig lighter sockets and USB outlets around the van. Water is heated using gas of course, cooking with gas, metal stove top gas kettle though we also carried a small mains kettle for rare occasions when we had hookup, toast using the grill so no toaster required and I managed to survive the 1970s without having a microwave so another year was no hardship at all. Hair dryer? Use a towel! :D

A decent solar installation (2 x 165 watt panels and 3x 110Ah batteries) meant no electrical worries at all. Blown air heating too.

I really can't see the attraction of filling the van full of household appliances and then having to faff about with a generator just to use them
Snip -
I really can't see the attraction of filling the van full of household appliances and then having to faff about with a generator just to use them
End Snip...

Yeah it’s a lot of FAFFING to press the Grey button to Start the Genny & the Blue button to Stop it !.


& the reason I personally use Standard Household Kitchen Appliances is Cost, Availibility, Range, Size & Colour options, Convenience, Ease of Problem solving or Returning items if faulty to store for immediate off the shelf replacement.
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There seems disparity here between the weekend warriors and those who full time so don't have the luxury of charging on the drive.

If generators really get on your tits part and parcel of the wilding scene, is wilding for you ? ...I give a tip find a campsite you cant have it allways ...consideration using gennys is important for that I don't deny.

Question me when camping quite comfortably put busy bodies noses through there feckin brain ...respect and consideration works all ways ...some of the free free free righteous posts are frankly laughable ( well would be if funny)

Respect for others is not that difficult is it ?

We should/Must do what works for us as individuals & the Lifestyle we have chosen.
To mirror what others have said it DOES come down to respect & Concideration for others in most things that we do, Probably as much as Patients & Tollerance is, So if we all keep this at the front of our minds when we go about our everyday business then it will work for everyone.
I will be starting my Genny up again at 19:00 for 30mins for a Shower, Power Top up & to cook my Tea (Steak, Mixed Veg & Jacket Spud) & all with a clear conscience.
Thanks for the thread, it reminded me to run my geny as it hasn't been run for 3 or 4 weeks!
Incidentally, next door were using a chain saw and I couldn't hear my geny even when standing 10 feet away from it!
Ban Chainsaws!:danger:
Use hand saws!:scared:

Today for the second sunday running have been cutting logs for next winter, bet the neighbours love us! Mind you we are very considerate ;) we only run the saw for one tank full per day.
Yeah it’s a lot of FAFFING to press the Grey button to Start the Genny & the Blue button to Stop it !.
Granted with your setup there is less faffing, I wouldn't mind a setup which was completely seamless and built in, using the vehicle's fuel tank and so on. However I suspect you're very much in the minority considering the number of people I've seen hauling gennies out of side lockers, fueling the things and setting them up. All to use a mains appliance where more often than not there is a 12v or gas powered alternative which would do the same job just as well and with less effort.

& the reason I personally use Standard Household Kitchen Appliances is Cost, Availibility, Range, Size & Colour options, Convenience, Ease of Problem solving or Returning items if faulty to store for immediate off the shelf replacement.
My old copper whistling kettle is probably 100 years old so won't need to be replaced or returned and in terms of problem solving there's not much to go wrong. Each to his own though and if you want to stuff your cupboards full of household appliances then fairy nuff! :D

That size solar and batteries wouldn't come close to being enough in winter in the uk

What kind of nutcase would spend winter in the UK in a motorhome? Honestly, the continent is down that way! :wacko:
Most of the modern diesel vehicles don't like being left ticking over for long or on a regular basis it messes with the DPF and you end up with warning lights coming on .

Half hour ever few days which will do more with a b2b charger than a genny will do all day gennys only charge 8amps max b2b 60 amps not rocket science and even if you move a few miles a day is enough top up changing
Sorry eyesight going should have been reply to zombies post one before

‘Engine RUNS for half hour’

Genny runs half hour,,,What’s the difference?
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Never mind noisy generators, last night we had on one side of us a van that had a heat that sounded like a jet engine, put me in mind of those torpedo shaped parafin heaters in garages. and on the other a VW with a slide door that was open and shut every 1/2 hour.:rolleyes2:

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