Just been replying to the fridge problem thread and with the fear of repeating myself thought I would offer a few sobering facts.
We had a Gaslow system Fitted last year, to increase wild camping options and as a boat owner for 14 years, filling Mr Calor's pocket. I wanted to save money.
I am thoroughly satisfied with the system, though expensive to rig up from new, the chickens are finally coming home to roost.
Since I last filled the tanks to go to the Hebrides, the system had been serving the fridge, a 150 ltr tech tower with freezer and an oven, plus the hob and the hot water system. We ate out once in 19 days so every meal was cooked on the van. the water was on, mornings for 2 showers and evenings for washing up and evening ablutions.
Today I refilled the tanks 23ltrs @ .55p ltr £12.65. I am informed that a litre of gas is 1/2 a kilo so that is near as damnit 12 kilo's, now I don't Know what Calor are extorting, sorry charging for gas these days but I bet I am paying about half their charge.
If you are thinking of getting on board then do so, you can fill up when you like and all over Europe, (a set of adaptors is included) and......... you never have to lift another gas bottle

and if you think ...oh well I always use hook up when on site, do the math.
most sites charge £2.00 - £2.50 for a hook up so for 19 nights that would be £38 - £47.50 for electric compared to £12.50........I know you have to factor in the initial charge of the system but as time goes on this begins to deminish whilst hook up charges will increase, some already at £3 per night.
So I am happy with my choice and just glad I did it before the fuel rip off began.