Simples, its because the majority of Brits shout the words after a time when trying to communicate as its obvious to them that folk can't understand them so must be deaf
Keep posting Lindsay as we will be doing first trip to France in a van in New Year so at least you are probably making it easier for us
You will look back and laugh I know this from my trips to France on bikes, one one I blew a back tyre way out in the sticks but luckily near a garage. Neither of the guys there could speak English and my French was (and still is) very poor but youngest daughter who was with me could speak fluent German. Eureka so could one of the French guys, elation turned to dismay when I couldn't get daughter to translate as she said it was embarrassing haha.
Phone translator definitely but don't do like Del, make sure you have it set to the language you want to translate from and to