Garmin Camper890 not recognised by Mac computer

Put on a stick, go visit a friend with windows pc... boom job done ;-)
A friend - what’s that? Seriously this is my best option but I still can’t believe that anybody with a Mac and a newish Garmin (and there must be many out there) are unable to install their own custom poi’s without having to go to a friends place!! I’m still waiting a response from Garmin.
Having just got home from 2 months in France and with a summer of family commitments I can’t see us getting away in the van, except for local breaks, for a while yet so I have plenty of time to resolve the problem.
I have a Mac and my 780 is going done the tube was looking at 890 but rethinking
I have been struggling to download my custom poi files onto my new Garmin Camper890 satnav from my iMac. It seems that, as per Garmin support, because the satnav is an Android device it will not be recognised by the Mac, although it does connect to Garmin Express. This means that when I try to use Garmin poi loader to transfer the files the Camper is not offered as an option for transferring the data to!
I have installed Android File Transfer software on the Mac but as far as I can work out this simply enables me to open and view the files already on the Camper890 but doesn’t allow me to transfer files to the Camper.
So not only is this a warning to those with Macs who are thinking of getting a new Garmin satnav but an appeal for help from anybody who has succeeded in transferring poi data from their Mac to a new Android Garmin - how did you do it please? I reckon my only option after waiting for Garmin support to get back to me is to buy a cheap Windows pc so I can use the much loved Garmin poiloader software which worked perfectly on the Mac for my old 760 satnav.
We have a Pioneer SatNav if I want to download files I have to use Naviextra Toolbox only available for Windows. There used to be a version for Mac but not Anymore. So now use a tablet instead. Far better and when you get fed up of being taken the long way round you can just find another App. Gone back to using Igo Next gen for now.
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Unfortunately not - see attached screenshot from Garmin below. So you can access the Garmin internal files using the Android File Transfer app on the iMac and simply view or copy/paste the Garmin files to the Mac (but why would you want to) but because the Mac does not recognise the sat nav as an attached drive, and Garmin POI loader requires a source destination which the Mac can’t see, then you cannot use POI loader. I expect with trial and error I could simply transfer the custom poi files to the sat nav but they will not be in the correct format! POI loader processes all the custom poi files (eg .csv .bmp) into a .gpi format required for Garmin. So unless Garmin POI loader can see the sat nav, which it can’t from a Mac, the files cannot be transferred!!
Just a thought and you have probably already proved it’s doesn’t work, but..
Have you tried connecting to the Mac and dropping a file on it from the Satnav then search for location to see where the Garmin puts it. Once you know that put the poi file in that location, back to the Garmin and copy it across then try an import?

Failing all else, don’t buy a windows machine unless you specifically want one, just set up a virtual windows install and use that for the Garmin.
Right everybody, thanks for your help but the problem has been solved by Garmin Support. In case anybody has a Mac and a Garmin Android device here are the steps to take to get Garmin POI Loader to recognise the sat nav.

Click the Apple icon (top LHS of screen)
Click "System Preferences"
Click "Security and Privacy"
Click the "Privacy" tab
Click "Files and Folders"
Make sure that the box next to "Removable Volumes" under POI Loader is checked

Also importantly if you have any other Garmin applications open (eg Garmin Express) force quit these to ensure that the Garmin POI Loader is the only Garmin application which is open.

So I now have 22000 odd custom poi's added to my Camper890 without having to resort to buying a Windows PC so a happy bunny!
Glad you're sorted Tony and thank you for coming back with the solution along with the step by step process for achieving this.
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