Hi, does anyone use a frontier type stove when wildcamping, and if so, are they any good ? I see you can also get a water heater for them, once again, any good ?
I've just looked it up on the interwebby and it looks great !.
when I was toying with the idea of fitting a stove, Primarily for heating, Secondary for cooking if needs be, I preferred the 'Firebox' model. & in another Makers range The HOBBIT trumped all in my view.
SERIOUS question now.
Is there any smoke Produced,or leakage INSIDE the Tent, Vehicle, Shed or wherever from the everyday use of these type of what is essentially a portable stove ?.
I have one and love it.
I usually use it for tent camping rather than with the van though.
I thought you converted that into a still after Falkirk Rob