Fridge on gas on ferry


Wouldn't dream of it so why push it?:confused:

You made the 'Alpha' statement, I lost friends and know some survivors, you explain your expertise.

Offshore Norwegian, Danish and british sectors, Qatar,UAE,Africa And 4 continents onshore working on oil and Gas installations (Gas Compression)
The Permit to work system after piper alpha was introduced because people with the same mind set as yourself were a hazard in the workplace and a liability to employ,
Any workplace at sea needs to be treated with the utmost respect, and isolating your gas prior to sailing is a small price to pay for peace of mind.

Its the Gas that does the damage.
Offshore Norwegian, Danish and british sectors, Qatar,UAE,Africa And 4 continents onshore working on oil and Gas installations (Gas Compression)
The Permit to work system after piper alpha was introduced because people with the same mind set as yourself were a hazard in the workplace and a liability to employ,
Any workplace at sea needs to be treated with the utmost respect, and isolating your gas prior to sailing is a small price to pay for peace of mind.

Its the Gas that does the damage.

They were in place before Piper Alpha, and who, what was to blame for the disaster.

The Americans are blaming the British for the Gulf of Mexico thing, that's a load of rubbish as well.
They were in place before Piper Alpha, and who, what was to blame for the disaster.

The Americans are blaming the British for the Gulf of Mexico thing, that's a load of rubbish as well.

They were and quite a few imberciles "Bent the rules"
I dont need to go into the whys and wherefores of Blow out preventers etc to explain Piper Alpha or its sister rig Claymore and its contribution.
Just turn your gas off when onboard a vessel
Will do, when they turn off the gas on the rigs, get real, lifes a risk.
Finger up the jacksy, Brain selected neutral

Will do, when they turn off the gas on the rigs, get real, lifes a risk.

Obviously wasting time discussing this with you, that stuff you are smoking has warped the reasoning processes in that Vacuum between your ears.
Ha ha, just best stay off the ferries altogether then. lol

Get a life people, is this Wildcamping or not. You'll all be scared to drive shortly.
hi, i did say have an auto shut off valve . if a truck broke loose r a pipe broke it would shut off. if the flame goes out on the fridge the gas should be turned off . safety can be protected . there is many ways to do it. still havent seen a law only guide lines. anyway i dont do it now but was only answering a question. i think we should nban petrol vehicles on ferries as they carry highly volatile substances as well. every body should have a shut off valve specialy the ones that worry too much, bet none of you have one fitted but they are acailable. cheers alan.
hi, i did say have an auto shut off valve . if a truck broke loose r a pipe broke it would shut off. if the flame goes out on the fridge the gas should be turned off . safety can be protected . there is many ways to do it. still havent seen a law only guide lines. anyway i dont do it now but was only answering a question. i think we should nban petrol vehicles on ferries as they carry highly volatile substances as well. every body should have a shut off valve specialy the ones that worry too much, bet none of you have one fitted but they are acailable. cheers alan.

Wrong. I've got one!!......... no not really I don't need one, I just turn the gas off. Not difficult, virtually anyone can be taught how to do it. Perhaps those who don't turn their gas off could fit a shut off valve.
th valve is there so if a pipe burst or a joint came loose when travelling a rush of gas turns it off so really every one needs one. could happen anywhere not just on a ferry or in an accident.
You totally missed the point re insurance as well, you do not have to be insured to drive on our roads, check it out then come back.
th valve is there so if a pipe burst or a joint came loose when travelling a rush of gas turns it off so really every one needs one. could happen anywhere not just on a ferry or in an accident.

Turning off at the bottle cannot be a bad comprimise can it?
You totally missed the point re insurance as well, you do not have to be insured to drive on our roads, check it out then come back.

You're missing the point, in the real world 99.9% of us have to have motor insurance to drive on our roads. There may well be exceptions for super rich individuals who can cover themselves or some such other esoteric exceptions.

th valve is there so if a pipe burst or a joint came loose when travelling a rush of gas turns it off so really every one needs one. could happen anywhere not just on a ferry or in an accident.

If the failure rate of gas ACOVS were ever published you might think twice about the implicit trust you seem to place in them.
manual mechanical isolation is the only method that delivers consistent shut off, and is the only method that should be relied on during sea voyages and travel, and if it isnt already law then it should be
Acov's are ok for the peace of mind after parking up.
I certainly would'nt rely on them in my line of work.
Extractum Digitum

Good job we don't camp out in oil rigs then.:cool:

See the finger is still firmly embedded o smoker of mind bending substances.
And if not I have come to the conclusion that this is one big wind up on your part.:D
having seen a caravan catch fire on a campsite [ can I use that word here ? ]due to a fault developing when the fridge was running on gas , there is no way I would leave a fridge running whilst on a ferry

I doubt that my insurance company would pay out for the damage this might cause ....even if the ships sprinkler system put the fire out I hate to think what the bill might be !

and if there is a small leak from your system into the enclosed space , that's an explosive mixture !

I'm with the turn off at the main stopcock brigade

an edit ; just checked the P & O website and shutting off the gas at the tank is a condition of carriage
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You're missing the point, in the real world 99.9% of us have to have motor insurance to drive on our roads. There may well be exceptions for super rich individuals who can cover themselves or some such other esoteric exceptions.

Prevaricating a tadge now then, I suppose it's as close to an admission as we'll get to you being wrong in one of your statements.:cool:

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