Free Camping vs Wild camping

I've most definitely never done it, simply because I would never under any circumstances ever be on a paying camp site in the first place, so leaving early to avoid paying doesn't enter into it at all for me. I'm writing these words in a lovely wee (free) car park overlooking the stunningly beautiful Ebbor Gorge in Somerset - better views and better privacy than most paying sites could offer :D

I agree 100% with what you are saying HappyHippy, but when i cant find somewhere to take a shower :eek: or a suitable stream and i have been away for a while i will use a campsite for that reason but olly on rare occasions.:eek:
Rural camping?

i prefer WILDCAMPING, and dont realy want to change. plus in this country of ours if you say something is free then some government official will want to take some more money out of our pockets the word FREE ha no such thing in england any more

I agree with Mandrake on this one I like it and I wouldnt want it to change. Freecamping implies no money has been paid rather than 'free and easy' whereas wild camping implies rural, 'home is where you park it'. If we had a new name rural camping would get my vote.
come on!

Well I think that's where I probably differ from a lot of folks on this forum - I would never use one no matter what, certainly not for a shower! To me wild camping is not just for a weekend, it's a way of life. Every time you pay for a site you are encouraging more places to charge for parking, so I won't ever do it, regardless of whether I can afford it or not, or how long since I had a hot shower, or how low my battery is, or how full my toilet or rubbish bin. It's just wrong.

Its not wrong, its just different! Some sites have fabulous facilities, you cant beat swimming in the great outdoors when the waters warm and the suns shining on the water, or playing on the waterslides when the rain is pelting down outside. Granted wilding is spectacular, if you get a good location and weather, but the best of both worlds comes to mind. We have stayed at some sites with spectacular views that are not there to rip anyone off, just happy to help you enjoy your holiday like on the isle of wight, Brixham, Carbis bay-cornwall. There still alot cheaper than b&b, hotels or guest houses.
Unfortunately HH I cant go along with the free loading attitude. Somebody has had to pay to provide a fascility. Why do you consider you should not pay?
hi happy hippy i do admire your principals,you do what you beleive in. since we have had our van we have not gone on a camp site, but if we had to we would.i understand that some of us on this site, have kids so at times they have to.but untill i am desperate for a camp site i for one will stay off them, the only thing i will pay are the night fees for some car parks in towns. as we go to matlock a lot at least the car park is still free
Well this is why I said I thought this was a point on which I differed from many of the folks here - by my ethics/morality/belief system or whatever you call it, it IS wrong. It is totally irrelavent whether it's cheaper than a B&B or a guesthouse - I didn't get my bus together to stay in B & B's or guesthouses any more than I did it to pay for parking! Even if the charge was a single penny I would be just as opposed to even the thought of paying to park as if it were £100. It's not about the cost, it's about the principle. There would be no heroin traffickers if people wouldn't pay for the drug. There would be no prostitution if people wouldn't pay for sex. And there would be no paying camp sites or paying car parks if people refused to pay to park as I do. There are some things that I just believe it is downright immoral to pay for. Parking is such a thing for me.

Well thats a whole new kettle of fish, if people that want to use campsites and pay for it thats there chioce, as you have made yours, and i for one do not disagree with your choice or your way of life.
If there was no paying campsites i doubt very much if there would be any campsites at all, how could there be there would be no funds for the up keep of them.
So now would everyone with no campsites to go to end up wildcamping and possibly overcrowd people like yourself and spoil your style of life in the sense that Farmers, Landowners, Goverment and the powers that be would surely put a stop to it like some countries already do, maybe in an ideal world but we do not live in an ideal world. :eek:
So paying to say at a campsite is compared with Prostitution and Heroin trafficking. And it also seems that it is downright immoral to pay to stay at a campsite.
I've heard some bollox spouted on forums, but this is quite unbelievable.
Its just this sort of arrogant millitant attitude from idiots like Happy Hippy, that can cause prejudice towards the more reasonable wildcampers of us.
When we motorhome in Scotland and stay on a lochside for a few days at a time, we have always called it free camping. Basically, we are encamped for free. We even have a camp fire.And yes, we are in the wild but still call it free camping!!!
Fc V Wc

Never paid for it, Never stayed on a "site" and cant think why I would want too?
If you're goin to start using "Camp Sites" you're half way to becoming a CARAVANNER and thats just disgusting!!!

RIGHT ON Happy Hippy!!!
You ARE an idiot, if you think that campsites are an immoral industry.
Like ***** i go Wilding AND stay at campsites. People on here who occasionally use paying sites shouldn't have to justify themselves to a hippy like yourself, with a holier than thou attitude.
I think you ought to lighten up, & stop being so arrogant, and accept that different people use their camper vans in different ways.
I may have incorrectly posted as when I look at your location it says "In me blue bus". I have assumed, possible incorrectly, that you had no fixed abode and therefore are freeloading.
are we all decending into children again!! wether we decide to stay on a camp site or lay bye or a car park, pay or dont pay, can it realy matter.some need to stay on a camp site for family or personal reasons , others dont. me personaly i dont have to, dare i say pay for the use of a bit of grass to park on but who knows what i will need in the future. if we all start calling each other idiots and the like for our points of veiw ,then we will not be able to share our experiences without arguing liven up we are adults
are we all decending into children again!! wether we decide to stay on a camp site or lay bye or a car park, pay or dont pay, can it realy matter.some need to stay on a camp site for family or personal reasons , others dont. me personaly i dont have to, dare i say pay for the use of a bit of grass to park on but who knows what i will need in the future. if we all start calling each other idiots and the like for our points of veiw ,then we will not be able to share our experiences without arguing liven up we are adults

Well said mandrake ,I totaly agree, if anyone wants to sling mud why not post private messages to each other and leave these forums for constructive posts
by the way, I had just joined this site when the last mud-slinging episode was going on, I nearly left immediatly, so c'mon lads lets keep it the friendly site we all know that it is :):):) sundown

"all decending into children"

I object to this assertion. A discussion was in progress with a minority abusing and the majority able to stand above that.

Perhaps you should consider in what vein your contribution has been

"all decending into children"

I object to this assertion. A discussion was in progress with a minority abusing and the majority able to stand above that.

Perhaps you should consider in what vein your contribution has been
you are quite in your right to object to my post , and i welcome it , the only thing i put my post on was as you said yourself is the minority abusing the the majority . is it ok for anyone to abuse anyones veiws we are all suposed to be freinds on her so we should be able to accept each others veiws no matter how they want to live i did consider in what vein my contribution was , and i hope it was to the good of this site and all that contribute if i have upset anyone then let it be through truth and not abuse thank you.
We should go back to the original posting to determine if we should be free or wild. My point is nothing is free.

On a totally different subject, I am gutted that Andora could not beat Russia, as that is the only way England could have stayed in, based on their performance tonight
i totaly agree with you there nothing is free anymore mores the pity, i guess when it comes down to it it is up to the individual wether we call it free or wild camping .if its wild its free if its free its wild lets all agree to dissagree what the hell just enjoy at least we are all FREE to enjoy ourselves take care the way how did england go on not my game football, :eek::eek:

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