France what card do you use

We use a Post Office MasterCard for paying whenever we need to use a card and for getting money from ATMs when abroad and it has never failed us.

I believe some banks charge for using their cards overseas but there is no charge with the P.O. card.

:dog: :dog: :dog: :dog:
We use the Santander zero card for tolls and fuel when they won't accept Caxton or Fairfx per paid cards. This has not let us down and we have a direct debit set to pay full amount each month so I don't get charges. It's a good backup.
Are you aware you can actually OVERpay your Clarity card. Quite easily done if you use internet banking. It also means you won't get any charges if you want to withdraw cash from ATMs.

Another one to be aware of if you use Santander 123 card in Spain you cannot go to the counter to withdraw cash - you can only use the ATMs - as I found out when the ATM we wanted to use was out of order and I had no cash.

Have Halifax changed their operation, when we got our first Clarity card a few years ago, we were told that their internet banking system wouldn't allow foreign use. I haven't tried it recently when abroad and I dare say that using a VPN might fool it, just wondered if anyone has?
I have accessed Halifax internet banking from both France and Spain without any problems.
Did you use the card much ,did you find benefits using it?

We planned to go down to Med so used tolls with no problem then used it for Aires no problems also for supermarket
All in all although not a regular user of Credit Cards we felt it was worth using and will use it next year. We will pay of card when statement arrives so hopefully there will be no charges
Thanks Andy
I have an Autoroute toll electronic tag, costs a little extra if you include the small annual charge but is quick and efficient and charges your account directly - very convenient
No problems ever with Visa credit/debit cards

We have travelled extensively through France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, Spain - until recently on 2 wheels, now on 4 and have never had a problem with ordinary British credit cards ( a vague memory of a sticky patch about 10 years ago with the earliest pay at the pump machines once ...)

Originally had a Goldfish mastercard but have used Visa credit/debit for many years

Card of Choice Nationwide Select (no fx fees and is my internet bank so always easy) backup plan Nationwide debit cards and a Co-op Credit Card

Toll booths a doddle, only once got stuck at Ouistreham with aire not recognising our (or any other british card , small queue in front nut a nice frenchman fellow motorhomer came over and used his card, collecting the 10 euros from each of us with a grin (expensive I know but handy). Next time, no problems at all.

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