France next week?

This means that over 2 weeks 1 in 500 will catch the virus. Problem is that once r is over 1 the rate of infection will rapidly increase, so that chance of infection will also rapidly increase. For the relatively elderly or those with underlying conditions is it really worth possibly a theoretical 1 in 20 rate of game over to get warmer weather?
Well , all I can say is when we were in rural France interaction with anyone else was minimal and precautions to avoid infection much higher than uk . Now in Spain and feel standards even higher with masks worn nearly 100 per cent and whenever outside own house . Enforced by large fines to individuals and businesses . We feel a lot safer here
... Confirmed the police were giving out on the spot €400 wildcamping fines to motorhomes on most Algarve car parks and beaches.
Ouch - Is there a reason for this? We have not been actively following conversations since our return in March from SPAIN with Covid, so out of sync with whats happening in the MH world in Europe.
When in PORTUGAL February noticeable was the changing access to beach parking and so the news does not surprise us but is dissappointing.
Ouch - Is there a reason for this? We have not been actively following conversations since our return in March from SPAIN with Covid, so out of sync with whats happening in the MH world in Europe.
When in PORTUGAL February noticeable was the changing access to beach parking and so the news does not surprise us but is dissappointing.

I can't comment Stan because I know nothing about the subject, but good to hear from you!
We are booked on the Newhaven-Dieppe ferry on Sept 17th and, like others, are mainly worried about a tit-for-tat retaliation by France. At the moment, all we have to do is fill in the "sworn statement" for France but if they impose more stringent conditions it all depends on the details. In a motorhome, we can pretty-well self isolate but will they make us stay at one specified address or can we keep moving? Will they insist on a test prior to disembarkation? A friend of ours had to go to Italy on business a couple of weeks ago and two days prior he said he wasn't feeling well and got a test here, which came back negative ('cos he really wasn't unwell!) and that was accepted. Might have to do the same thing :)

Well, we made it! The crossing was smooth in every sense of the word. Moderate sea and no problems - apart from having to wear a mask for five hours! The only "hurdle" was to present the sworn statement to passport control. Apart from that (and wearing masks) it was life as normal. Obviously there were fewer people on board but there were four or five other Brit motorhomes on their way south for the winter. We are now in a lovely little campsite in Jumieges - a pretty village with an ancient and huge Abbey and seven restaurants - all open. Will watch the Tour de France highlights on telly this evening and open a bottle of the old vin rouge :)

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